Author D.G. Kaye launches #podcast to help others through #grief journey – When Women Inspire

I was thrilled to be invited over to Christy Birmingham- Reyes’s blog recently. Christy runs an empowering blog for women – When Women Inspire. When she asked me to be her guest and talk about why I wanted to start a podcast on grief, I jumped at the chance and was honored to be invited.

D.G. Kaye is well-known as a nonfiction writer and memoir author, with several books to her name, including Meno-What? and Words We Carry. Now, she is taking on a new project. D.G. Kaye launches the podcast Grief – The Real Talk. I reached out to this talented woman to talk about the podcast, which has aired two episodes already. Below is our interview. Read on to discover why she created it, what she hopes listeners will gain, and more.

Grief podcast


Can you please tell us why you started a podcast on this particular topic?

Thanks for asking Christy. After losing the love of my life, my husband, last year, my grief has been overwhelming – many days, I didn’t even care to go on.

I not only lost my husband, my best friend and soulmate, but it was during COVID lockdowns, which added to my trauma with all the seclusion at a very bad time for a griever to be on her own. With no live grief groups open to join, other than online groups, which were not doing it for me, and after reading a plethora of books on grief and everything related to the afterlife, I couldn’t find a place where I felt I belonged.

I’d also read many clinical books as well as self-help and memoirs from people going through the same journey sharing their grief stories. It was the stories told from the heart which I found some solace in.

I realized that there wasn’t enough ‘real talk’ going on with people who live this journey, and I felt that being around same people left me feeling with a sort of kinship – people who could understand and relate to what we grievers actually go through –  a look behind the lens so to speak.

So as a memoir writer myself, I felt there was a vacant space for this topic, and so I wanted to open up a new space where I could speak raw and real and share my observations and incidents that I’ve endured and endure in my own new life of living as one from two, and that perhaps there are others who may feel they can feel this kinship and have a place to share their own thoughts and feelings.

I am so sorry for your loss. What is your hope that listeners will gain from this podcast?

I hope my listeners will feel a sense of comfort as I did from reading and hearing stories from others by my sharing my own observations and experiences in my grief journey and what feels like everything becoming new to us when we lose a loved one that we were closely connected to. Everything changes.

Our identities change, our life plans, our habits, even the people that were once in our lives seem to change. I feel there’s a need for a place for us grievers to commune.

Who is Grief – The Real Talk the right podcast for?

My podcast is for people who travel the journey of grief, seeking some solace to be around like-minded people who know the journey, as well as for anyone who knows a griever and would like some insights as to what we go through on a daily basis when we lose someone close to us. I’m speaking as one of those grievers, not someone with a PHD giving clinical explanations about all the lonely things we can expect to go through, from the voice of one who is going through it and knows the pain.

It’s for anyone who has loved and lost someone and desires a place of listening to someone who knows the struggle. It’s a place where I talk about things that bring us down, things we find hard to accept, and those times when we feel we can’t go on, but also, I talk about why we must go on and share some of the things that I’m doing to try to help move forward – especially when we sometimes have no desire to. . . please hop over to Christy’s blog to say hi and continue reading.

Original Source:


49 thoughts on “Author D.G. Kaye launches #podcast to help others through #grief journey – When Women Inspire

  1. Excellent interview Debby especially given the grief and trauma you have been through.. Christy’s blog is very empowering and she has some wonderful topics.. though I have not had as much time to go visit …
    Sending continued well wishes Debby as you navigate this new road without your soulmate by your side…
    I am certain however he is cheering you on from the side lines in all you are doing, and you and he are only ever a whisper apart..
    Much love dearest Debby..


      1. Omg, I couldn’t have written this better from my own heart Sue, thank you. ❤ xx Sharing around your poem, thank you so much. ❤ xx


  2. This is a fab interview, Debby! Christy is quite amazing at picking up important pieces of the puzzle of life. The 2 podcasts you’ve done hit a bull’s eye for me. I look forward to #3!
    You are a super woman! xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Debby, thank you kindly for the reblog here and for such a nice introduction at the start of this post. I cannot begin to tell you how much I admire you. I am thankful for you in my life.


    1. Christy, for as long as I’ve known you – and I believe it’s almost a decade, I’ve been calling you ‘sweet girl’. Your heart always shines through your comments. I am the one to thank you for the invitation. You are the one who inspires! And of course I had to share here. Thank you again for the wonderful interview and helping to promote my podcast. ❤ xoxo


  4. Your podcasts on grief have been such an excellent idea, Debby. I would never compare the loss of our dog with losing a spouse, but we grieved during the period when everyone was staying home at the start of COVID. I identified with that thought so much, Debby. We’ve lost many dogs before, but we felt isolated from our friends this time. People grieve in their own way, but I missed the comfort and interaction with others during this time.


    1. Thanks for sharing some of your own grief here Pete. The Covid isolation was biting, and even more so when we’re alone grieving because we’ve lost a loved one. I know many pet owners consider their pets family so no doubts your grief was amplified in the desolate feeling of lockdowns. Every grief is different.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Debby – I’m absolutely sure your podcast will help many … your loss was devastating – and it takes time to work through that grief – as you know … with thoughts, while helping others appreciate the help you’re offering – cheers Hilary


  6. What a great opportunity for you to reach a wider audience for your podcasts, Debby. I’m sure there are many others who will benefit from listening to you.


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