#Bloganuary Prompt – Write About Your First Name, its Significance, Etymology, etc.

What’s in a name? I thought this was a fun #Bloganuary prompt from #Wordpress, asking us to write about the meaning and significance of our first name. It made me think, hmm, what about the name some wanted to give for me but were shot down by my mother? To be honest, I have so many names people call me by that Debby is quite a rare one.

About my name, I was formally named Deborah Elaine, but when I was a child, hearing my mother use my full name, alerted me that I was in trouble yet again. She was the only one who ever called me Deborah, and that wasn’t a good thing. Don’t even get me started on growing up and through the school years teachers couldn’t get my name spelled correctly, always assuming I was Debbie instead of Debby. The trend has continued throughout my life with a few exceptions – like best friends and those who know me well all get that my name ends in a ‘y’ not an ‘ie’. But if my paternal orthodox grandmother would have had her way, my name would have been Esther. Just no! And a nod to my mother for sticking to her guns and winning that name war.

I have no idea where the idea of the name Esther came into play, but being that my grandmother was quite religious, Esther was a queen in the bible who was an orphan raised by her uncle Mordechai who was taken to serve Persian King Ahasuerus in his harem. The king fell in love with her above all others and made her his queen. Esther did not love the king and endured six years of rape by him. When she learned that the Prime Minister Haman had made an edict to kill all Jews in the Persian empire, she conspired with her uncle to warn the king. When the king found out, he had Haman killed and made Mordechai the new prime minister. This story has to do with the Jewish holiday, Purim. So how did I end up with the name Deborah?

In the Jewish tradition, babies are named after dead lost loved ones – never named for someone still living. My mother’s mother died when my mother was barely fourteen years old, her name was Dorothy. I was the first born so I should have been named Dorothy, except, my mother was the youngest child among her siblings and two of my aunts had already named their daughters Dorothy. Keeping with the initial ‘D’, I became Deborah. The middle name, Elaine, was a sort of meeting of halfways between my mother and grandmother and Elaine was as close to Esther and as far as my grandmother’s wish got. In the Jewish religion, the Hebrew name of Deborah is D’vorah, which translates into ‘bee’. Deborah was a prophetess in the Book of Judges from the Old Testament. Does that make me a Queen Bee? I’m not sure, but watch out for my stinger. 🙂

Funny enough, the only time I still get called by my formal name is at a doctor’s office – or the like, filling out forms, I become addressed as Deborah. It still gets under my skin as I remember nobody calls me by that name except when my mother was hollering at me. Some things just stick.

Besides the naming of me, I have several nicknames given to me throughout my lifetime – some endearing, some cringe-worthy. I won’t get into all of those or why (family pet names and some not so pet friendly). To my beloved husband I was always Cub or Cubby to him. He came up with the name spontaneously on our third date. I can count on one hand how many times he called me Deb (never Debby) in the twenty-five years we were together. But suffice it to say, names that still linger are dubbed by my two besties – one calls me Nor, the other calls me Booben. Perhaps one day I’ll share where those strange names came from!


#Bloganuary Challenge – Triple Challenge

The #Bloganuary prompt challenges come in daily. I chose a few more to respond to below:

The first thing that came to my mind when I saw the prompt – What is your favorite photo you’ve ever taken? – My wedding picture.

I am my own worst critic when it comes to looking at myself in photos – old habits die hard. But my wedding pictures are with my husband, and we were both crazy about each other. Love never dies.

Gies Wedding

Next – If you could, what year would you time travel to and why?

Back to the 80s when life was carefree. When the only worries were where we we’re going to have fun, no digital apparatus, just real connections, relationships, breakups, parties – living, enjoying, and experiencing.

Also, What is your favorite quote and why?

‘What goes ’round comes back.’ – I have been saying this phrase for as long as I can remember. I relate it to Karma – what you give you get back, bad or good, so may as well make it good.

From the Merriam Webster Dictionary:

Definition of what goes around comes around

informal—used to say that if someone treats other people badly he or she will eventually be treated badly by someone elseYou should not mistreat them. What goes around comes around.

Remember these two things:

  1. Add the bloganuary tag to your post.
  2. Promote your blog post on social media, using the hashtag #bloganuary.

If you have any questions or want to discuss ideas, join the Bloganuary community site.


#Bloganuary – What Emoji(s) Do You Like to Use?

What a fun prompt. As I don’t have the fortitude or time right now to hop on to every daily WordPress #bloganuary challenge, this is one topic I thought would be fun to join in with – What emoji(s) do you like to use?

As a person who is naturally animated when she speaks, emojis are always an accompaniment to all my posts and comments – as many of you know. For me, they are accessories to punctuation and emotions. For many in my closer circles, I will add a heart and at the very least, I’ll always add a smiley face after commenting. For me, it’s like speaking to someone while wearing a smile.

Image by Serena Wong from Pixabay

Emojis are used to add fun and expression of feelings and emotions. I’m inclined to think that people who use them are also people who like using their hands in animation to convey expression. That would definitely be me. I use them in comments and social media, and even sometimes on a post. ❣


If you’d like to join in and/or receive the daily question prompts from WordPress, find the rules below:

  1. Add the bloganuary tag to your post.
  2. Promote your blog post on social media, using the hashtag #bloganuary.

If you have any questions or want to discuss ideas, join the Bloganuary community site.


#Bloganuary – Living Boldly

WordPress has started #bloganuary, prompting writers with a different question daily, and reminds to tag the post Bloganuary in your tag section so it shows up in the reader with other Bloganuary posts. Also, don’t forget to share these posts on social media using the hashtag #Bloganuary.

Today’s a great day to blog, and the Bloganuary prompt is:

What does it mean to live boldly?

The rules:

Remember these two things:

  1. Add the bloganuary tag to your post.
  2. Promote your blog post on social media, using the hashtag #bloganuary.

What Does It Mean to Live Boldly?

I hopped on to this prompt because it felt appropriate as I’ve been struggling with my decision about going on my long awaited winter escape to Mexico. I’ve eagerly been awaiting this much needed escape, despite my being a Covid hermit for much of the last two years. I avidly follow news reports, Covid reports, country alerts etc. and even though my airline has canceled my flight a few times and my managing to book new flights, the apprehension looms with my anxiety of braving the elements while also hoping my new flight will remain.

I’ve spent a lot of time battling my two minds, or my mind and my heart, and after all I’m seeing and hearing with Covid reports, it appears as of now, Mexico is doing better than my own country! So I’ve decided, Covid here, Covid there, minus 20 here with grey skies and seclusion, sunshine and 88 degrees and several of my friends have already arrived there, what am I fussing about?

With all my weighing out, and despite my biggest fear of passing my Covid test to get back to Canada when the trip is done, I can mask up there as well as I mask up here. So yes, I’ve decided that I’m going to live boldly and go ahead with my travel plans. If I spent the rest of my life worrying about what could happen, I’d never do anything. This virus is heading into its third year. Nothing is going to change for a very long time as long as the world doesn’t reach herd immunity. It’s every man for himself to stay protected no matter where we go. If we wait to get back to living, when will that actually be? Years more, no doubt and more spikes and mutations to be had. Another day of living life is no guarantee. Every day is a gift. If we keep pushing off plans for living, who knows if we’ll be capable of traveling next year or the next year. Tomorrows are never guaranteed.

So yes, I’m going to live boldly instead of cowering behind my fears. I’m going to head for sun and sea with best efforts and begin to loosen the load of worry and act like the excited going away person that I should be savoring at this time instead of dreading. Ole!


*Don’t forget to sign up for the daily prompt if you feel like jumping into one for the month of January. If you missed or deleted the signup invite post from WordPress, you can sign up from the original post page.