Q and A with D.G. Kaye, featuring Author Toni Pike

Welcome to my Q and A author interview today featuring Toni Pike, multi-genre author of both, thrillers and nonfiction books. I’ve read two of Toni’s books so far, and you can check out both my reviews for Desolation Bluff and Dead Dry Heart.

Toni has traveled all the way from Australia here today, lol, so let’s get to know more about her and her books!


Toni Pike


About Toni:

Toni Pike enjoys writing exciting thrillers and non-fiction books. She also loves travelling and being with family and friends. She lives in Australia and firmly believes that coffee and long walks are an essential part of any day.

Do you like books that you can’t stop reading? Pike is the author of DESOLATION BLUFF, DEAD DRY HEART and The Jotham Fletcher Mystery Thriller Series: THE MAGUS COVENANT, THE ROCK OF MAGUS, THE MAGUS EPIPHANY and HOLY SPEAR OF MAGUS.

She’s also the author of two non-fiction books. THE ONE WAY DIET is a no-nonsense guide to losing weight and coping with the journey. HAPPY TRAVELS 101 is a short book of travel tips with great advice for anyone who wants to travel overseas.


Toni’s books Available on Amazon

books by Toni Pike


Great to have you over today Toni. Now let’s get to know a little more about you!


How many books have you written? Do you have a favorite, and if so, why?

I’ve written eight books: six thrillers and two non-fiction books. The Jotham Fletcher Mystery Thriller Series is a four-book religious conspiracy series which is action-packed and fast-moving. I’ve also written two standalone suspense thrillers which are set in Australia. DEAD DRY HEART is about a brilliant young man who becomes the Prime Minister but is hiding a terrible secret from his past. DESOLATION BLUFF is about a blind romance author who suddenly regains his sight and discovers a shocking betrayal.

I also have a weight loss book, THE ONE WAY DIET, and a book of travel tips, HAPPY TRAVELS 101.

I must admit that I love all my books, but my favorite is THE MAGUS COVENANT because that was the start of my life as an author. DESOLATION BLUFF, my latest thriller, is a close second because I think it is my best work.

D.G. – I love that you are a multi-genre author. And I also thoroughly enjoy your two lone thrillers and look forward to getting into the Magus series, presently living on my Kindle, lol.


Which author friends of yours inspire you by being supportive to your writing?

Since my first book, THE MAGUS CONVENANT, was published, I feel as if I’ve become part of a tight-knit community and I’ve met so many other authors who have been supportive of my writing. That support comes in various ways, whether reading my books, writing a review, sharing my Facebook or Twitter posts, allowing me to be a guest on their blog, offering advice, or just being there as a friend. Debby Kaye is one of my favourite bloggers and one of the most generous writers around. Sally Cronin selflessly devotes a large part of her website to promoting other writers. Some of my other friends include Lucinda E. Clarke, Bette Stevens, and dozens of others. And they are all an inspiration with their own writing.


D.G. – Okay, now I’m blushing, but so honored to be on your list of favs! We do sure have a wonderful community we’re all part of.


Do you edit and proofread your own work solely or do you hire an editor?

I firmly believe in having my work edited by other people because it’s impossible see all your own mistakes. Prior to sending out my manuscript, though, I do my best to edit it myself and also use spellchecker a couple of times.
I’m very lucky because I have two experts who are wonderful friends. Paul Bland is not only a former school principal and English teacher, but he has also published his own adventure stories for children. He is the perfect person to edit my stories, provide advice and story suggestions, and do grammar and typographical editing. My friend Christine Curwen is a genius at spotting typographical errors, and always checks my drafts at least twice.


D.G. – That’s wonderful you have a great team to help out with pre-edits. I think it’s essential to have a group where we can help each other when we have a new release. After all, it takes a village!


How do you stay motivated to keep writing?

Once I get a task underway, I usually find that I’m able to stick with it to the end – and that also applies to my writing. A detailed story outline helps me to stay on track and I keep myself motivated by using a number of techniques. I focus on long-term planning and thinking about publishing my final manuscript. I set myself mini- goals to achieve each day, then write for about half an hour at a time, followed by a short break. I also prioritise my own self-care, making sure I do some exercise, get enough sleep, meditate every day and eat a healthy diet.


D.G. – It’s obvious you’ve established a great writing pattern. It’s essential that we self-discipline ourselves with goals, even if they do get changed.


If you could have any of your books made into a movie, which one would you choose and why?

I think that THE MAGUS COVENANT and the other books in that series would make great movies, as they are are fast-moving, involving a series of exotic locations, car chases, fights, an intriguing mystery and plenty of action to keep viewers on the edge of their seat. However, a big budget would be needed. My latest thriller, DESOLATION BLUFF, would make an excellent movie with a far more modest budget. It’s set in a mansion in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales, with a small cast of characters but plenty of drama, romance, murder, mystery and suspense.


D.G. – Funny you say that because I really could envision Desolation Bluff as a movie when I read it! Perhaps your Magus series could be like the next Dan Brown series!


It was a treat having Toni over hear today. And below, Toni is sharing an excerpt with us from her psychological thriller – Desolation Bluff.




The next day, Oliver felt a growing sense of excitement. Five o’clock in the afternoon finally arrived, and he had a plan. He knew Vanessa and Ray would soon be home and he wanted to greet them at the cottage. She would stop her car to drop Ray home, and he would be waiting for them. He would ask if they could all go inside – and then he would tell them the wonderful news.

Oliver walked confidently down the driveway, although he held his cane as usual in case Helen or someone else saw him. There was also the chance that Vanessa and Ray would arrive and he wanted to keep his secret safe until he told them. He passed the hedge at the edge of the small garden and saw the red Mercedes. But he was surprised to see another vehicle parked behind two large shrubs. He walked over to it and when he saw the badge he realised it must be Vanessa’s car. They were already home, and he wondered if they had managed to catch an earlier flight. He was surprised that Vanessa hadn’t phoned to tell him.

He approached the front door and felt overwhelmed with excitement at the thought of seeing them. They would be stunned by the news, and for the first time he would actually see his beautiful bride. Oliver left his cane on the ground and approached the front door. But when he reached it he could see that it was slightly ajar. He gently pushed it open and walked inside.

He saw the small front hall for the first time, and then he glanced in the adjoining rooms. “Are you there, Ray?” he asked softly – but there was no response.

Listening carefully, he could hear an almost imperceptible sound that seemed to be coming from upstairs. He walked slowly up the compact flight of stairs. He knew the second bedroom was Ray’s office, so he guessed they must be up there discussing some work.

As he reached the top he heard another sound, slightly louder this time but still unclear. He knew the layout of the place and the first door was the study. It was shut, but the second door was open slightly. That was themaster bedroom.
As he took a step towards it, he heard a soft moan. Then he reached the door and glanced inside.


A Recent Review for DESOLATION BLUFF


5 stars – Terri Webster Schrandt

Bluff is the operative word in the new thriller by Toni Pike. This short novel is quickly engaging and a page- flipper as Pike weaves this suspenseful tale of betrayal set in the Southern Highlands region of Australia. Romance author Oliver Cameron is blind from childhood, but an accident restores his sight unbeknownst to his housekeeper, new wife, and literary partner. The minute Oliver “sees” the treachery of his partner and his own wife, he engineers a subtle cat and mouse game of revenge that will stun you to the end and leave you well- satisfied.

Pike is fast becoming a master in the suspense fiction genre and Desolation Bluff is a great addition to her growing collection of books.


Follow Toni on Social Media:


Website: www.tonipike.com

Amazon Author Page

Instagram: @authorlovestravel  – Sharing my travel photos from around the world

Facebook: Toni Pike – Author


Twitter: @piketoni1    Toni Pike

Linkedin Toni Pike – Linkedin

Email: authortoni.pike@gmail.com


49 thoughts on “Q and A with D.G. Kaye, featuring Author Toni Pike

  1. Hi Debby, Thank you so much for including me in your fantastic Q and A series. You know how much I love your blog, so I regarded it as a great honour as well as a wonderful diversion from the terrible problems in the world at the moment. Stay safe, Toni x


    1. Hi Toni. I’m delighted to have you over. You know I also enjoy your books, so the treat is on me! ❤ Hugs my friend, and yes, stay safe! ❤ xxx


    1. Hi Stevie, Thanks so much for dropping by. I definitely need mini-goals at the moment, to help motivate me in the face of all the current dramas. Have a lovely weekend. Toni x


  2. Lovely interview–nicely done, as usual, Deb. I loved your choice of a favorite book, Toni–“because that was the start of my life as an author”. I believe the same. There something about the courage it takes to publish the first book that never goes away.


      1. A delightful interview the idea of taking mini breaks is something I should do.. I love this series Debs you pitch the questions perfectly.. Stay safe ladies… ❤️


  3. Lovely interview Debby and Toni and thanks Toni for the kind mention. I think it is all our dream to have our books made into a movie, and The Magus Covenant and the other books in the series would be amazing I am sure. Having read Desolation Bluff I am sure that would be great too. hugs to you both. x


    1. Dear Sally, Thank you so much for your lovely support and endorsement. One day, perhaps those movie producers will come knocking on all our doors. In the meantime, stay very safe. Toni x


    1. Hi John, Thank you so much – I’m so excited to hear that you downloaded The Magus Covenant. I do hope you enjoy it – and have a wonderful and very safe week. Toni


  4. Nice interview, Deb! I love the sound of Toni’s mystery series. I’ll be putting the first one on my TBR. Nice to meet you, Toni. I really appreciated your answer to the question of how you stay motivated writing. Setting mini-goals is something I need to do right now for my unfinished novel.


    1. Hi Lisa, So lovely to meet you, and I really hope you enjoy my series – thank you so much! I think we all need mini-goals at the moment as we all have so many other things to think about. Take care and stay safe. Toni


  5. What a great interview with Toni, Debbie! I LOVE her books! The last two Magus books went down too far of my TBR pile–errg, so thanks for reminding me that I need to get back to them. I really enjoyed Desolation Bluff, Toni, one of my favorites. Keep writing, the both of you 🙂


    1. Dear Terri, Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments – you just made my day! I’m so thrilled that you love my books. Stay very safe at this time. Toni xx


    1. Hi Balroop, Thank you so much for reading and reviewing Dead Dry Heart, and I’m so pleased you enjoyed this interview. Have a very happy and healthy week. Toni x


  6. Toni’s book sounds like a good read, Sis. I didn’t know she was a multi-genre author. Kudos to Toni! Great to learn more about her and her books. ❤


  7. It was great to read this interview with Toni. I’ve actually met her in real life and she is as lovely in person as she is in her blog and books. I especially loved Desolation Bluff!


    1. Hi Deb. What a lovely compliment! I have no doubts. I’ve known Toni for a few years now – online friends, and I have no doubts she’s exactly the same in person. 🙂


  8. Hi Debbie, Thank you so much, and I think I’m so lucky to have such lovely friends as you and Debby. I really appreciate all your support, and I’m looking forward to having coffee with you again when the current crisis is over. Toni x


  9. What a great interview. I loved your questions, Debby and your answers, Toni. Mini-goals sound good and so helpful right now. I agree, those feelings from a first book being published set us off on a new path. Heart memories that stay with us. I especially liked the favourite authors part. ❤


    1. Hi Jane, So nice to meet you and read your lovely comments. I find I need mini-goals more than ever right now, because there’s so much to distract us And thank goodness we have such wonderful friends. Toni x


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