#WATWB – We Are The World Blogfest – #Kindness #Humanity #TorontoStrong

We are the World Blogfest


Every last Friday of the month our #WATWB community posts something inspirational to deflect from some of the negativity in the world. I had another uplifting post ready to share for this month’s contribution, but in light of the attack on my city in North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, a mere 5 minutes from where I live on Monday this week, I’d like to share my thoughts and thanks to the wonderful people in my city.


Canada is one of the few peaceable countries in the world. We are friends and allies with everyone. We here in Toronto, particularly, live in a multi-cultural society where everyone gets along, plays nicely together and respects everyone’s beliefs and traditions. We have never been subject to some of the world’s evil and atrocities, hence, we had no dress rehearsal for what happened in our city, our country. But for the first time in my city, we were attacked.

This post isn’t going to continue on about the sorrow, and shockwaves that still ripple among us Canadians, rather it’s to commend the so much outreaching of every day citizens who are stepping up to the plate to do their part in whatever capacity they can to help others who are grieving, those who need blood and for those who may need a meal, clothing, or just someone to keep another company. There are doctors offices offering free services for things such as accupuncture to help ease stress, and the list goes on with offerings.

My heart soared when I saw the hundreds of posts on Facebook where citizens were offering anything they could afford to give from their time to services, food, blood, workspaces ( many businesses were closed down on the busy main street of Toronto where it happened), and an abundance of love and support. This is community! This is my city.

Our first responders were magnificent. Our police force did a remarkable job and apprehended the killer without a single bullet fired, despite the one on one confrontation between the killer threatening to shoot the policeman who finally handcuffed him. And so many citizens did their part on trying to save lives in real time as they witnessed what was happening.

There is so much goodness still left in this world. Despite the horror of Monday’s events, we came together as a city, as a country, and love and goodness will always prevail.


Canadian Flag


We are not broken. We are #TorontoStrong #CanadaStrong #TorontoTheGood

I’d also like to share this tweet I came across


This month’s #WATWB is hosted by    Shilpa GargDan AntionSimon FalkMichelle Wallace , Mary Giese. 


 Please feel free to join us by posting something inspirational and uplifting by adding your link to your post to the LINKUP HERE.