How To Become A Successful Blogger: Part 3 – How To Ensure Readers Will Keep Coming Back | Hugh’s Views & News

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My friend and blogger extraordinaire Hugh Roberts has a diverse blog where he writes and shares some fantastic short stories, creates some fun and interesting blog challenges, he’s on the Annual Blogger Bash committee, and  he also offers up some great advice in his latest series on how to become a successful blogger.

Reblog and featuring

Today I’m sharing Hugh’s post on How to Ensure Readers Will Keep Coming Back to your blog.


How To Become A Successful Blogger: Part 3 – How To Ensure Readers Will Keep Coming Back


“If we were inviting people around to our house for dinner, a party or just for a coffee, most of us would want to ensure that our home was clean, tidy and looking good, right? If that’s the case for our homes, then shouldn’t it also be the case for our blog?


After writing a new blog post, WordPress allows us to preview the post before we publish it. If you haven’t noticed it then the ‘Preview’ button sits right beside the publish button. I’m always surprised by how some blog posts look as if the author never previewed the post before publishing it. One of the most common errors I see is when large gaps appear between paragraphs or when there is a large blank space at the end of the post. Another error is a sentence being interrupted by an image or photo.


Another off-put for me is when there are large blocks of text within a post. . . ” Continue Reading 


Source: How To Become A Successful Blogger: Part 3 – How To Ensure Readers Will Keep Coming Back | Hugh’s Views & News  


You can read Hugh’s post for successful blogging Part 2 on Creating Pingbacks HERE


And Part 1 is all about creating an ‘About me‘ on your blogs and what’s important to include. Read that article HERE

