Saturday Blog Share and Mentions- What’s Going on in Blogtown this Week?

Reblog and share


Happy Weekend folks. I thought I’d share a few of my findings from my readings in blogland as well as a few mentions I found of myself while visiting 2 blogs.  The first 3 listed are writing contests offered by 3 authors many of us know, or who should get to know and then I have some awards to share with you.


First up is Stevie Turner’s monthly writing contest where you can submit a short story once every month until the end of the year, maybe longer, she’ll have to let us know.


I’ve been struggling to think up a subject for a new novel, and have been letting too many distractions keep me from sitting down at the computer and starting a new book.

However, I decided that with this new category I’d also share my own short stories every month on each main call-to-arms blog, in order to make myself get back in the habit of writing again.  Hopefully word about the contest will soon get about, and perhaps even more authors will want to take part.  The contest is FREE, and I’ve made a laurel for the winner to add to the end of their story each month.  Here’s the first one:

SHORT STORY LAUREL with website.png

Don’t forget, you’ve got until 25th October to add your link via the blue button below.  I’ll choose the winner on 31st October. Continue Reading At Stevie’s blog


Next is Sally Cronin’s blogshare feature – The New Sunday Show – The Bucket List, where you get to be featured on Sally’s blog and share 2 of the most hoped for wishes to fulfill on your bucket list.


The Sunday Show Interview and Promotion.


In this interview series I would love to know what your top TWO items are on your bucket list and if you have not written one yet, then perhaps it is time to get your thinking caps on.

When you have given the matter some thought you can send to me. I have done an example below to give you an idea of the format.

By the end of the series, if we have a lot of guests, (hint, hint) we should be able to compile a pretty comprehensive list of activities with something for everyone.  I will pull all the wishes together into our own Ultimate Top Ten Bucket List that might take the place of the the one I have featured. Read more at Sally’s blog.


Next up is contest #2 open at Charli Mills’ Carrot Ranch Rodeo Contest. Geoff Le Pard is running this fun short story entry laughing contest. The deadline for entry has been extended til Sunday night just before midnight so there’s still time!


Little and Laugh is your chance to raise a grin, trigger a giggle, release a chuckle, generate a guffaw, give life to a groan.  Tell us a story – it can be true, it might be a BOTS (based on a true story) or it might be complete fiction – and see if what makes you smile, what releases your funny does that for the judges. After all being funny is no laughing matter.

Submission information

You have 299 words, give or take 9 (ok, that means you’ll still be in the competition if you come in above 289 and below 309) to make us chortle. You need a title and, best of all, the title doesn’t count. Though a title that is similar to ‘This is a story of a Knight Errant and his lonely Pooch, Puddle who undertook a quest to better themselves when the world was young and Nutmeg still known as Crazy Megan…’ is not to be encouraged. Continue reading for more instruction

And now for a few mentions!


I was delighted to come across friend and author’s blog, Plain and Fancy Girl, Marian Beaman, as she writes about her dilemmas about completing her memoir. Memoir is a tricky genre and as writers we all seem to have our own strategies for putting our plots and arcs together. Marian is showing us how she’s managing that process and I was delighted to see she shared a link about 2 posts I shared on the topic as well as one of my quotes.

Writing memoir is like drawing a self portrait while looking in the mirror. Sort of. Don’t be surprised if your picture turns out backwards. Which may not be such a bad thing!


And so I began . . .

Two and one-half years ago after taking an online memoir-writing course, I constructed a timeline of my memoir, using neon-colored stickies unfolding in scenes.  Continue Reading . . .


And now for my last mention, I was thrilled to be nominated and chosen by Mr. MN – The Militant Negro Blog and offered 4 lovely blogging awards. Yes there are rules that come with awards, but as many of you know, I love to break rules and share my awards with all of you, so please feel free to copy any or all of these beautiful awards for your own blogs because, if you are my readers, you are all welcomed and deserving. 🙂


Mr. MN Says:

I stopped being involved in awards for this blog of mine 5 years ago because I never followed the rules properly. I’m too old to start doing things properly now days so I’;m gonna break these award rules beyond repair.


The Rules:  

  1. Give 11 questions.
  2. Tag 11 people.
  3. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
  4. Don’t forget to thank the person who nominated/ tagged you.

I’ll start my award rules breaking party by not answering any questions about me but by directing you to two recent blog post about me…… Continue reading


liebster award

Get to know me award

sunshine blogger award

blue sky tag award


Thanks for dropping by. I hope you all find something here you may like to dive in to, and congrats on all your awards!

35 thoughts on “Saturday Blog Share and Mentions- What’s Going on in Blogtown this Week?

  1. Congrats on the awards, Deb 🙂 Mr. MN is a guy after my own heart. I love breaking rules! Glad you mentioned these posts, because I missed them while I was gone. And I’m bowled over by the amount of time it must have taken to put this together. Thanks so much, girlfriend ?


    1. Thanks bunches T. Lol, yay to us the rule breakers! But glad you caught some goodies here that you may have missed. The beauty of sharing the word! ❤ xx


  2. Debby, Wow! Congratulations on all your lovely awards and thank you so much for your fantastic gesture to us all!! Very much appreciated! ?❤️Rules?! I’m sure they’re meant to be broken…it’s always fun to make up your own!

    A wonderful eclectic mix of posts for us to savour today and I’m off to have a look around – thank you for collating and sharing. Have a great weekend! ??


    1. Hi Annika! Thanks so much for dropping by. I’m glad you’re going to have a peek around. These little mini writing contests are so much fun. Hope you find something that interests you. Thank you, and have a beautiful weekend too my friend. 🙂 ❤ ?


    1. Annika, are you referring to the paragraph above the awards? If so, that’s a reblog portion from The Militant Negro’s blog, lol. But in case that wasn’t clear, I clarified. 🙂 xxx Thank you my friend for your eagle eye on patrol! ❤


  3. Debby, you are the most energetic writer I know, echoing Tina’s observation about the effort you put into this post. By the way, thanks to Tina for clicking on my link and commenting. That makes you generous about sharing too. What a community you have built here. I’m honored to be part of it. 🙂


    1. OH thanks Marian, for the lovely comments. That’s the beauty of sharing because we get to introduce others. I should think you’ll have a few more readers trail through in the next few days as the blog circulates. 🙂 Glad to have you part of the community. 🙂 x


  4. What a busy day! Oh my. I stopped participating in the awards cycles for the same reason MN did–I never followed the rules. I will say, I love reading other bloggers’ entries because I usually find out lots of interesting stuff.


  5. Congrats on your awards Debby. Great pick of the posts. I’m joining in the humour Carrot Ranch flash fiction challenge which is not my usual genre but good to step out of my comfort zone and try something new!


    1. Yay, that’s great Marje. I look forward to reading it. I still want to hop on, so I hope to get something in later. I joined in Norah’s first one. So much fun! 😉 xx


    1. Thanks Sal. It’s on my whiteboard that is growing like my TBR LOL. I”ll get there. But it gives me a good idea that perhaps #1 on my list should be ‘time’. 🙂 xxxx


  6. Hi Debby,
    This is an interesting collection of posts; some of which I knew, some I didn’t. Congratulations on the mentions and the awards. You have much to teach others about memoir writing. It’s great to see your lessons being shared with others.


  7. Congratulations on the awards, Debby! Mr MN rocks ~ He’s so caring and generous 🙂 I’m loving this grouping of contests and mentions. The blogging community is amazing ❤


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