Sunday Book Review – Words We Carry by D.G. Kaye – Reviewed by Sally Cronin

Book reviews by D.G. Kaye

Today I’m doing something different on my Sunday book review. Instead of me reviewing a book, I’m reblogging Sally Cronin’s most wonderful and in-depth review of my book, Words We Carry.


I was elated to learn that Sally had gotten to my book on her mighty big TBR list, and even more excited when I read her review because she encompassed the complete essence of the book.

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Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Sally’s Book Reviews – Words We Carry by D.G.Kaye

This week I have been reading The Words We Carry by D.G. Kaye and would like to share my thoughts with you on the book.


Words We Carry by D.G. Kaye


About Words We Carry

I have been a great critic of myself for most of my life, and I was darned good at it, deflating my own ego without the help of anyone else.”

What do our shopping habits, high-heeled shoes, and big hair have to do with how we perceive ourselves? Do the slights we endured when we were young affect how we choose our relationships now?
D.G. takes us on a journey, unlocking the hurts of the past by identifying situations that hindered her own self-esteem. Her anecdotes and confessions demonstrate how the hurtful events in our lives linger and set the tone for how we value our own self-worth.
Words We Carry is a raw, personal accounting of how the author overcame the demons of low self-esteem with the determination to learn to love herself.


5 Star Review

on November 9, 2017

This book was gifted to me by the author without any expectation or recompense for reviewing. The views are entirely my own.

Words We Carry is packed with the accumulated knowledge, wisdom, survival tips and strategies from someone who went through difficult and unhappy childhood and teen years.

I think it is fair to say that most of us are less than confident about our body shape, and that is particularly tough when you can no longer use the excuse of puppy fat, and your friends are heading out in slinky black dresses and high-heeled shoes.

Unfortunately, not all mothers are born with the nurturing gene and as soon as you become competition, there is an opportunity to reinforce your lack of self-esteem with carefully chosen and cutting words. I would like to think that the experiences that D.G. Kaye describes were rare, but I am afraid that after counselling women on their health and weight for twenty years, the story is very familiar.

Those harmful words from those who are supposed to love us, are the ones we carry throughout our lifetime, unless we can find a way to dilute their power and replace them with affirmations of a much more positive nature.

D.G. Kaye describes her strategies to claim her own identity, build her self-esteem and evolve from the ugly duckling that she had been made to feel she was, into a swan. This involved a makeover in a number of departments, including wearing high heels at all times and over every terrain, and standing out from the crowd with her now signature titian hair colour. She also developed a healthy, outgoing personality and independence that led her to discover groups of people who accepted and embraced her as a friend.

In the second section of the book Kaye looks at the impact this early negative conditioning had on her relationships, including romances with older men whose different approach to dating and expectations provided a more secure environment. Unfortunately, having entered one serious and long-term relationship, echoes of the verbal abuse that she received as a child and teenager, threatened to undo all the hard work that she had accomplished. Thankfully she went on to find happiness and empowerment with someone who appreciates all that she has become.

Kaye looks at issues such as the difference between Alone vs. Lonely, Negativity and Self-Worth, Forming Healthier Relationships, and importantly Exposing our Personality Through the Internet. Continue Reading . . .

47 thoughts on “Sunday Book Review – Words We Carry by D.G. Kaye – Reviewed by Sally Cronin

  1. What a great review! 2018 is the year I’ll both get a better handle on my own writing and blogging AND catch up on all those books I’ve got on my TBR list–chief among them this one!


    1. Thanks so much John. I do hear you. We have so much to do between blogging, writing, publishing and promoting, reading always gets the end of the list. I hope to change things too in the new year. 🙂


  2. This is wonderful, Debby! Cheers to you for sharing your journey and inspiring others to live a life of love and inner peace. I know I’ll love this. 🙂
    Many thanks to Sally for sharing such a lovely review of your work.
    Cheers to you both! XO


  3. Debby, this book sounds very touching and also revealing. I believe you are helping others in their healing process to read what life (family) experiences you endured. . .
    On the other end of the spectrum. . .
    My light-hearted review of “Have Bags, Will Travel” will also include two book “commercials!” You will find three posts tomorrow, no worries about spending too much time.
    Unless while I am at work, you wish to respond to your friends’ comments!
    (Only if you have time, my dear friend!)
    Enjoy and thank you for allowing some creative license in my good natured additions of real life airport personnel! No pilots, alas! xo ? ?


    1. Lol Robin, you’re so cute! Thank you so much for your wonderful compliment on my writing. And thank you so much for taking my other book on your travels and for taking the photos with my book. I can’t wait to see your post!!!!! And of course I will visit and respond!!!!! I’m truly humbled my friend. But so sad, no pilots! LOLLLLLLLLLL Hugs xoxo ❤


  4. This is a well deserved and thoughtful review, as only Sally can. Debby if the love that others flow for you is a mirror, then you shine very brightly indeed my lovely friend. xXx ❤


  5. Hi Debby! What a wonderful review by Sally! Congratulations! This is another great book in queue in my Kindle. I’m reading a lot nowadays, so it won’t be too long before I get to it. ❤ xx


    1. Thanks a bunch Vashti. So glad you’re getting some reading time. I’m looking forward to my winter vacation where I can read a few books. That’s where I’ll be reading yours! ❤


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