#WATWB – We Are The World Blogfest – #Kindness #Humanity #TorontoStrong

We are the World Blogfest


Every last Friday of the month our #WATWB community posts something inspirational to deflect from some of the negativity in the world. I had another uplifting post ready to share for this month’s contribution, but in light of the attack on my city in North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, a mere 5 minutes from where I live on Monday this week, I’d like to share my thoughts and thanks to the wonderful people in my city.


Canada is one of the few peaceable countries in the world. We are friends and allies with everyone. We here in Toronto, particularly, live in a multi-cultural society where everyone gets along, plays nicely together and respects everyone’s beliefs and traditions. We have never been subject to some of the world’s evil and atrocities, hence, we had no dress rehearsal for what happened in our city, our country. But for the first time in my city, we were attacked.

This post isn’t going to continue on about the sorrow, and shockwaves that still ripple among us Canadians, rather it’s to commend the so much outreaching of every day citizens who are stepping up to the plate to do their part in whatever capacity they can to help others who are grieving, those who need blood and for those who may need a meal, clothing, or just someone to keep another company. There are doctors offices offering free services for things such as accupuncture to help ease stress, and the list goes on with offerings.

My heart soared when I saw the hundreds of posts on Facebook where citizens were offering anything they could afford to give from their time to services, food, blood, workspaces ( many businesses were closed down on the busy main street of Toronto where it happened), and an abundance of love and support. This is community! This is my city.

Our first responders were magnificent. Our police force did a remarkable job and apprehended the killer without a single bullet fired, despite the one on one confrontation between the killer threatening to shoot the policeman who finally handcuffed him. And so many citizens did their part on trying to save lives in real time as they witnessed what was happening.

There is so much goodness still left in this world. Despite the horror of Monday’s events, we came together as a city, as a country, and love and goodness will always prevail.


Canadian Flag


We are not broken. We are #TorontoStrong #CanadaStrong #TorontoTheGood

I’d also like to share this tweet I came across


This month’s #WATWB is hosted by    Shilpa GargDan AntionSimon FalkMichelle Wallace , Mary Giese. 


 Please feel free to join us by posting something inspirational and uplifting by adding your link to your post to the LINKUP HERE.

69 thoughts on “#WATWB – We Are The World Blogfest – #Kindness #Humanity #TorontoStrong

  1. Oh my buddy, I don’t watch. read or listen to the news. My heart goes out to all involved. Now I have caught up on what happened, I am struck by the sense of community, loving grace and sheer breadth of humanity that comes across from your wonderful country. Wrapping you all in ❤ xXx ❤


    1. Thank you my lovely Jane. Together we shall overcome adversity! Thanks for the love as always. Sending Canadian love and hugs back to you through the airwaves my friend. ❤ xoxo ❤


  2. Tragically, terrorism has no geographical boundaries, and wherever it strikes,our hearts go out to the people affected. Husband and I lived and worked in Toronto in 1957/8, so grew to know it well and became fond of its streets and people. I walked on Yonge street on many memorable occasions and we feel so saddened that, yet again, peace-loving folk have been killed and wounded by a twisted mind and belief. Hope for peace springs eternal.. Joy Lennick x


  3. I thought of you, Debby, on the day I heard of the attack. With friends all over the world now, it feels personal and heart-breaking each time. You’re right, that despite the horrific acts of a few, the vast majority of the world is made up of kind, helpful, compassionate, and loving people. Keep spreading the love. ❤


  4. Thanks for sharing. I am saddened by yet another tragedy caused by a disturbed mind. This one not by terrorist but a young man frustrated and encouraged by websites for those who have difficulty engaging with women. I am impressed once again by the culture of Canada and the people, police and media of Toronto. It’s a wonderful city where no one jumped to conclusions of terrorism. Unlike America, a cop resisted shooting. Had this happened south of the border, the perpetrator would undoubtedly been killed on the spot. If I had known in 1966 what I knew in 1968, I probably would be a Canadian now instead of an American because I would have fled the draft. But I have a dream house here and won’t leave; I’ll just keep working for change and awaiting the day that our “Dear Leader” is gone.


    1. Thank you John. I am so proud of my city’s police force and media. Although we still don’t have all the facts yet and the RCMP are now on the case, they say we won’t hear more for another month or so. But to me, it is an attack – a terroristic act when somebody takes it upon themselves to kill innocent people.
      You know I read your book so I know your sentiment exactly on the Vietnam war. Chin up, the orange one is so piled up in shit, he’ll be gone soon. And go figure who the hero may be – Stormy. 🙂


  5. Peace and prayers for all those who have suffered and for those who offer succour at such times Deb…my thoughts also veer towards those who suddenly change into monsters, I wonder how much of fear, insecurity or frustration gnaws at their minds to make them such perverts! May God bless them too with peace.


    1. Thanks Balroop. You are so right. My heart goes out to the innocent parents of this criminal who will now face losing their home and life savings in legal fees too. 😦


  6. I was so sad when I learned about the attack… We need to ask oursleves what´s wrong with us… Violence comes in many forms, so it affects all of us, by the way.
    It seems it is not merely about Terrorism. Which speaks volumes about our problems as societies, even in peaceful and advanced countries such as Canada.
    Much love, dear Debbie ❤


  7. The way the people of Toronto responded to this tragedy is exemplary. I was particularly impressed by the police officer who didn’t fire his weapon. I’m sure he connected with the terrorist energetically, enabling him to diffuse the standoff on a subconscious level. The outpouring of love and assistance is so inspiring and and rekindles the hope for humankind that many have abandoned. Thanks so much for this beautiful post, my ever-optimistic friend ❤️


    1. Thank you so much Tina for seeing the good in this from the evil. I was devastated when this happened, especially when I first saw it ‘breaking’ on CNN. I am so proud of my city for the way things were handled, and especially our outstanding police force and the outpouring of love from all citizens. ❤ ❤


  8. Hi Debby – it must have been devastating to have been so close … but amazingly wonderful how everyone responded … thank you for sharing and including all the responders and ongoing responders … just senseless … but thank you – Hilary


    1. Thank you Rob. I’m proud to share my country here. And I noticed on Twitter so many tweets about our police force apprehending the killer without a single gunshot. Perhaps other countries could take something from this. 🙂


  9. A heart warming post, Debby that spreads the message of the goodness of people in face of adversity. It was astonishing that the guy was taken without a shot being fired, incredible restraint and command … other places it would have been so different. The tweet is amazing … our strength is pulling together. After the horrific attacks in London the support from total strangers, the response of the medical services was amazing and the positive in so much tragedy. Thank you for sharing your thoughts from your place on the ground. So glad you were safe. Take care, my friend. Hugs xxx ❤️


    1. Thank you Annika. It’s important in the face of adversity to shine a light on all the goodness people can muster up despite a tragic event. 🙂 ❤


  10. I love all the hope in this post AND in the comments too. Do you remember Mr. Rogers of PBS kids’ TV fame telling children that when something bad happens, “Look for the helpers.” You have definitely expanded on that theme here. More power to you – and to all the Toronto strong!


  11. It was/is an unbelievable act of terror Debby. My heart goes out to all of Canada. I know it happened just around the corner from you. Kudos to all who responded so willingly and lovingly.


  12. This was such a shock to me! A wonderful place like Canada? What is the world coming to?
    But the amazing response and positivity from the Canadians and people in Toronto restores one’s faith in human nature.

    It made me realise the importance of our #WATWB initiative… it cannot be emphasized enough. We have to just continue spreading positivity…
    Onward and upward!

    Glad that you are safe, Debby! ❤
    Take care.


    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Michelle. Absolutely we must continue to spread the so much goodness that still is in the world. United we stand! 🙂 ❤


  13. This was such a terrible tragedy Debby and I was heart broken when I heard it.. It sent me retreating back into my inner world for a time.. And i found myself in my garden silently shedding tears that day as so many lives lost in this senseless crazy crime that now so many nations have felt..

    Sending thoughts of healing .. ❤


    1. Yes it was Sue. And I know how you go into retreat to regroup. Nothing should be a shocker anymore, but apparently when terror strikes in an unsuspecting country it is unsettling. Let us keep shining our lights and praying for peace ❤ xoxo


  14. It is unconscionable what happened. I pray for all the families who have lost loves ones and for all whose lives will never be the same. It was a terrible tragedy that should never have happened. What’s wrong with some people that they need to take lives? My heart goes out to Toronto! Hugs xx 🙏


  15. I had no idea it was so close to you, Debby. I’m so pleased you were okay. So much sadness for so many, but I’m pleased that your city and country has rallied so well to support each other. What a fabulous post for #WATWB. Thanks for sharing your little corner of good news.


  16. This is such an uplifting post, Debby. What happened in Toronto was a shock, it was awful, for your city, your country, the world. Despite those dark hours, seeing the positives is a gift. And, it is strong. I respect and applaud your post, that fabulous tweet, all the help that was offered. The way a country and a people react to circumstances like these says a lot and shows a fantastic example! If I were a Canadian, I’d be proud as well!


    1. Aw, thank you Liesbet for your uplifting support. It was one scary day, and one that will live on inside the minds of many, but the light that came out of the darkness was truly inspirational. 🙂 x


  17. Such a beautiful post about a horrible experience. I don’t watch much, but did watch footage of the beyond-the-top courageous officer who somehow was able to get that crazed man to surrender. It was a miracle. It showed us what can happen. A most important lesson for my gun-crazy country. And I didn’t know any details of the ways people stepped up, but I’m not surprised. I’ve always seen Toronto as a city of tolerance and peace.


    1. Thank you Elaine. Yes, that policeman was a huge symbol for the world on how to apprehend a criminal diplomatically. We all can learn something from each other. 🙂


  18. Debby, my heart went out to so many people I think of who are living in Canada or are Canadians​ living somewhere else. I was saying on another post, we in the US expect this kind of behavior, even if it horrifies us.
    Hope you soon will feel some ease and less terror. I like how you are saying the world has many more nice people, which you found out from friends from all over displaying their kindness and caring compassion. 💞
    May we focus on this, like you said, even in the face of maniacs. I hope we can someday get past these acts of terrorism. Peace on Earth just seems so far away 🕊️ . . . Hugs to you, dear Debby! xo ❤️


    1. Thank you Robin. And it’s sad to say ‘we expect this behavior’. because nobody should accept this behavior. I have to believe in light of all that is currently going on in the world there will be a shift of peace coming! ❤


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