Sunday Book Review – Watching the Daisies by Brigid Gallagher

Book reviews by D.G. Kaye


Today’s Sunday Book Review is for Watching The Daisies – Life Lessons on the Importance of Slow by Brigid Gallagher. A beautiful autobiographical journey of life, challenges and a journey to healing.




If you enjoyed “Eat, Pray, Love-You will love this travel memoir!”

Millions of people around the world suffer from fibromyalgia; the majority of them are women. As yet, there is no cure.

In this memoir, Brigid P. Gallagher shares her experiences on:


    • The busy life she followed before succumbing to this debilitating disease


    • Stopping and soul searching for answers to her vast array of symptoms


    • Entering a new life of SLOW


    • Drawing on her knowledge and experience as a Natural Medicines therapist, she seeks out therapies to aid her healing and integrates a variety of self help techniques and lifestyle changes. She also unearths a love of solo travel including Egypt, India, Rome, Lourdes, Carcassonne and Bali…


    • Brigid learns many


    •  about LIFE on her journey, the most valuable being:

“First learn to love thyself.”


My 5 Star Review:


In this beautiful autobiographic by Brigid Gallagher, she takes us through her journey through beautiful locales painting beautiful imagery, and draws us into her trials and tribulations with ongoing health issues and her road to finding healing and solace.

We get to travel vicariously through the author from her wonderful childhood in Ireland through her many moves and travels to places such as: India, Rome, Bali, Madeira and more! With chronic immune system issues and flare ups, Gallagher is driven to study natural therapies, and shares her proficient lessons through her learning the healing powers of crystals, aromatherapy, reflexology, herbs, gardening, and feng shui, just to name a few of the author’s accomplishments.

Gallagher demonstrates her passion for life and learning, and how to enjoy life despite life’s interruptions and curve balls. If you enjoyed Eat Pray Love, you’ll love this book!


32 thoughts on “Sunday Book Review – Watching the Daisies by Brigid Gallagher

  1. Debby, a fantastic introduction to Brigid’s ‘Watching The Daisies’. You immediately pull in the reader with the reference to Eat Pray Love, a book I adored and read over a couple of days … it was hard to peel me away from it! I love how Brigid provides a background to her life, her illness and from there shares the wisdom learnt. I have this in my Kindle and your review has been a great reminder for me! Wishing you a special Sunday! 😀❤️


  2. FMS is something I know only too well about Debby.. And learning to Live and work around it and find ways of coping, especially in the early days, as it can hit you out of the blue knocking you for six..
    And the flare ups too.. Those natural remedies really DO help, I know..

    So I know I would find this book a fascinating read..
    Many thanks for sharing Debby

    Love and Hugs your way.. And many thanks for sharing.. xxx ❤


      1. Hi Debby, I know I would… I am sorry I am no longer getting your replies from your blog into my notifications.. Since all the WP updates of GDPR etc.. Its the same on several other blogs too now..
        xx Just thought I would let you know so you do not think i am ignoring your replies from your blog..


      2. Grrr, thanks for letting me know Sue. There are just some things beyond my control. Thanks for coming by as always. ❤ xxx


      3. I had to call back to see your comment again.. I will try to click your notify me of follow up comments and remember to go to my email link LOL.. Such a nuisance it was find before… But its not just your blog Debby others too I have noticed.. If I did not see the Like to my comment on some and go investigate I would not know they had replied..
        There are always Gremlins..
        ( I don’t even get your like linked either.. Arrgh well… Such are the technical problems of the net.. We have so far been bleessed… We can manage a few hiccups.. 🙂 xxx


      4. Lol Sue, so true. Yes, ever since the GDPR came along, WP has many glitches. I’ve also noticed wonky things on many blogs. But I’m wondering, when you’re on your blog or anyone else’s, do you click on the little notification bell on the top right hand corner of the page where all your replies and likes will show up? ❤ xx


  3. Wonderful review, Debby. Brigid has a peaceful way about her that, based on your review, seems to be reflected in her book. I enjoyed Eat Pray Love and that’s a tantalizing comparison. Thanks so much for sharing and congrats to Brigid. 🙂


  4. Lovely review, Deb. I didn’t know Brigid has a chronic illness. She’s a health warrior whose book I must add to my TBR, regardless of its obesity! 🙂 ❤️


  5. Sounds like a very diverse and relatable book. Being able to deal with “life’s interruptions and curve balls” and adding a positive spin to it to turn the life experiences into a compelling book, that’s called talent!


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