Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Life Lessons 101 – Boundaries by D.G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

Welcome back to my Life Lessons 101 series. Today I want to talk about the importance of creating boundaries where necessary. No matter the type of relationship we may share with another, whether family, friends, or colleagues, it’s important to create boundaries where/when necessary to protect against the ones who may not have our best interests at heart, or perhaps, those around us who constantly suck the life out of us. Boundaries are necessary for good mental health and self-preservation.

Being around negativity can become quite a contagious thing. And as much as we’re all subjected to it at some times in our lives, we must learn how to be assertive and create those boundaries when necessary to avoid getting caught up in a tailspin of other people’s dramatics, gossip, or plain, sucking out of our energies. I speak with great experience on the subject.

Negativity is like a huge umbrella that has the power to swoop us in unwittingly. As I’ve written about in other articles, energy is a real thing and plays a big part in the vibes we give off to others.  We all give off our vibes and energies into the atmosphere, and if we’re in close proximity to someone negative, we can feel the draining vibe it leaves with us. These vibes can come off from a complete stranger as well as from the people we know. Negativity comes in all varieties. Negativity could even come from a constant naysayer in our circles, or from an acquaintance, friend, or family. There are several terms for these types of people who leave us feeling ill at ease when around them. But the bottom line is that they suck our energies and make us feel quite uncomfortable when around them.

We can avoid these people easily if they are not in our usual circles. We can just remove ourselves from their presence. But other times, like when it comes to family, or even some friends, or maybe a colleague, it can be difficult to navigate around these people and their frequent storms. If these people are constantly bringing us down with their moods, demands, or temperaments, it may be time to re-evaluate the relationship we have with them and decide how much we’re willing to put up with from these people and set some boundaries.

If someone is always angry, accusing, conniving, inconsiderate, or downright rude, we must take a look at our own self and evaluate whether or not we are going to continue to tolerate the mental abuse, and make a change. Either way, it isn’t easy, but often when it becomes a decision about keeping our own sanity, cords must be severed for self-preservation. I have much experience with this procedure of creating boundaries in my own life. And in all situations, they sadly, involved family.

When my own family became too much for me to endure, I was faced with making such decisions. For much of my life, my mother was the antagonist in my life. But because she was ‘a mother’, I always respected her, took her rantings daily, and I never raised my voice to her. It took all the discipline in the world not to tell her what I really thought, but I didn’t want to hurt her. It didn’t matter that she hurt me so very much through life, I am not a tit for tat person. But through the years – and decades, the proverbial last straw finally hit the camel’s back one day where fifty years of taking her garbage came to a head. The last dagger had finally hit me, and courage was summoned. I’d taken enough abuse. When I received her last harmful barrage of word bullets, the separation was immediate and forever. And there was no going back because there was nowhere to go to but back on the hamster wheel.

Yes. It took me fifty years until I summoned the courage to stand up to her toxic words; but I did it. . . please continue reading at Sally’s Smorgasbord.

Source: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Life Lessons 101 – Boundaries by D.G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine


Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – New Series – Life Lessons 101 – Dating Now and Then by D.G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

In my Life Lessons 101 series at Sally Cronin’s Smorgasbord Blog Magazine this week, I’m sharing my article here on – Dating Now and Then.

Welcome back to my Life 101 series. You can find the first post in the series Kindness Matters

Dating Now and Then  

Today I’m talking about the potentially scary world of digital dating compared to the pre-digital era. Maybe it’s because I spend much of my waking life online, so I know how intimidated I would feel to ever think of dating someone I only know through online. Not to say that I am at all interested in dating anyone at this time – or as far as my inner eye can see, but the conversation is still quite worthy of having.

Dating isn’t as easy as it was when I was younger, the days when we got dressed proper and went out with friends, be it clubbing or disco-ing, out for a gathering, a friendly sports competition or just for an ice-cream or coffee. So much of that lifestyle has dissipated into Netflix, takeout food or delivery, gaming, and in my case, nowhere to really go to meet anyone with my same interests.

Life was more personal back when – no cell phones or texts or emails – just face-to-face conversations and phone numbers exchanged. People went out and met other people in person. Working from home wasn’t yet a thing. And quite frankly, much of my own dating life was very busy interacting with colleagues at jobs I worked at, places we all spent much of our waking hours with together. Alas, not everyone met a romantic interest at their jobs, but it just seemed back in the era, pre cell phones and computers, life was just simpler in many ways, and social interaction, face-to-face was a huge part of the way we met people and invited them into our lives.

If we physically went on a date with someone, we could see who they actually were, in the flesh. We could learn from their conversations – or lack of them, or if we either admired or disliked qualities in that person. Their body language also reveals things about them. One cannot get any of that by meeting someone online, primarily because sadly, often in the scammy world we live in, how are we to trust a total stranger who could type anything they want or put up any photo and say it is them, and not leave us skeptical about who we are really talking to?

Nowadays, how easy is it to meet someone? Many of the men I dated when younger, I met at my jobs. That’s how many people meet. Or met. Now, with so many working from home, is it even harder to meet someone? Not to mention the many who are at jobs and in their ‘free’ moments seem to be appendaged to their phones. And dating, or getting to know someone, by text, isn’t enough to give me any sense of trust of the person’s personality, mood, or quite frankly, their intelligence. For me, eye contact is a big teller of much about a person. I’m a staunch believer in ‘the eyes are the windows of the soul’. Personally speaking, I don’t enjoy texting at all. I find its value in quick messaging as in – meet up times, appointment reminders, but certainly not in deep conversations or for getting to know somebody.

I spend too much time online and have a huge mistrust for even thinking of joining a dating site (which is furthest from my mind), but just sayin’, what if I was? So where can people go to meet other people without feeling as though they’re being set up or potentially scammed? I’ve thought of this question many times, especially when speaking with my single friends. And the only thing that makes sense to me as a good alternative is to join a club or hobby doing something we like to do and there we will meet like-minded souls who enjoy same things. Where better to go than where we can share an interest with someone else?

What is it we enjoy doing – outside of the home in social surroundings? Hobby? Singing in a choir, volunteering for an organization that we support? Joining a gym? Join groups that may be online but offer in person trips and/or get togethers? As long as we are joining a group of like-minded people in the flesh, better than virtually, we will be among others who share our same passions. . . please read read the conclusion at Sally’s Smorgasbord.


Source: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – New Series – Life Lessons 101 – Dating Now and Then by D.G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – New Series – Life Lessons 101 – #Kindness by D. G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

I’ve begun a new tri-weekly series at Sally Cronin’s Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – LIfe Lessons 101. In the first installment I began with the topic of Kindness.

Welcome to my new series at the Smorgasbord – Life Lessons 101. In this series I’m going to talk about incidence and things in life that are important. Today the topic is kindness. We hear the word get passed around a lot in various themes and context, but it bears talking about because a little kindness can go a long way.


Have you ever had a crappy day when nothing goes right, and per chance, a total stranger comes your way with a friendly greeting, an offer to help with something, or a compliment that just turns around that crappy day?

It doesn’t cost a cent to do something nice for someone or to make them feel a little special. We never know what kind of a day someone is having, and offering a little kindness can be a very welcomed pick-me-up for them. Can you recall the last time a stranger extended a kindness to you?

Complimenting someone can be a real lift to their self-esteem. It’s a verification that they’ve been noticed, someone paid attention to something about them, and maybe you were the only one who noticed, or maybe that person has nobody else in their life that offers kind words. We don’t know, but we know that a few kind words from us may just be a mood-lifter for them. A compliment offers a confirmation that something on their person is recognized and admired. And there are so many people who don’t get any recognition in their own surroundings.


On the same token, if our faces and/or body language give off a cold or dark feeling, that feeling is also registered by others, instead, leaving a negative feeling, and one that doesn’t inspire us to want to get any closer to that person. Our moods evoke ripples of energetic vibes, and vibes and energy are contagious. So, it’s just as easy to wear a smile to give off a welcoming atmosphere of warmth.

There are so many ways we can trickle a little kindness into the world, even doing the simplest of things. Kindness lives under many umbrellas. Kindness can be a smile, a compliment, even a hug when someone needs it. It can also mean taking some time to listen to someone who may need an ear, a goodwill gesture such as offering a helping hand to someone in need, letting in a fellow driver in your lane when we see their signal, offering a service to a friend – or even to a stranger if they’re sick or unable to get out, or just spending time with someone who is often alone . . . please continue reading conclusion at Sally’s blog.

Be kind


Source: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – New Series – Life Lessons 101 – #Kindness by D. G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine