Guest author: D. Wallace Peach – Room to Breathe | Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo

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Today I chose to reblog a beautiful post by Diana Peach Room to Breathe. Diana wrote this post as a guest post for Sue Vincent’s blog and it resonated so much with me as I think it will with many other writers because it’s about the daily grind of a writer’s and author’s life. For many of us, the hours turn into days as we strive to continue writing books and keeping up with blogging, while trying to  squeeze in our ‘real life’ duties in what seems a constant race against the clock.

Room to Breathe


I’m delighted to guest blog today on Sue’s wonderful Daily Echo. I’m sitting in my recliner looking up, wondering what to write. There’s a ten-foot long spider web hanging from the ceiling fan to the beam over my head, gently blowing with the heat circulating around the room. Tapestries of cobwebs grace the corners of the high windows that I can’t reach without a ladder. More delicate threads crisscross the Christmas star that I never took down – from 3 years ago. I kid you not.

When my grandson was 2 years old, he said the house was “spooky.” I laughed but didn’t whisk them away despite the cute commentary.

It feels good to sit and stare for a few minutes, to breathe and relax and study the floating web and the way it catches the light.

I’ve been writing full-time for seven years and blogging for about five. It’s been a labor of love, but full time has been overtime, averaging between ten and twelve hours a day. I couldn’t get enough, and I let the rest of my life slide as I immersed myself in the glory of words and worlds, the lives of the characters inside my head.

I always felt as though I was making up for lost time. A new story would begin to weave, threading through my fingertips before the last one ended. If I paused the web I was spinning would falter, the pattern altered, not better or worse, just different.


In seven years, I took a few breaks, but they were always with a purpose, Continue Reading . . .



Source: Guest author: D. Wallace Peach – Room to Breathe | Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo

31 thoughts on “Guest author: D. Wallace Peach – Room to Breathe | Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo

  1. Thanks so much for sharing, Debby. It was an important post in my writing/blogging career, and I’ve followed through on my break. The muse is eager to work on an outline for the next adventure, but for now… I’m still enjoying my room to breathe. ❤


    1. My pleasure Diana. I remember telling you how important I felt that post was and that I would be reblogging. I don’t tend to reblog anything immediately. I save what I like in draft and eventually I give new life to that post. 🙂 ❤


      1. If you ‘press it’ (the post) it automatically gets stored as a draft. Every week I look in those drafts to see what I feel like reblogging. 🙂


      2. You’re so funny! If it has the word ‘draft’ beside it in your dashboard, it hasn’t been posted. 🙂 Now, if you hit ‘reblog’ on a post, I’m not sure if it goes to your draft first or is automatically reblogged on


  2. A great post, Diana and Debby–it’s important to remember that breaks are necessary to recharge the muse and to give a boost to our mental and physical health. And the poem was beautiful, too.


    1. Thanks for hopping over Amy. You are correct, it’s also important to remember to eat and shower sometimes too when the hours turn into days, lol. 🙂 x


  3. I had missed this the first time around, Deb. So glad you reblogged it. What a lovely, thoughtful post, and I adore the poem. Adding these books to my TBR list, too. Can’t wait to start reading!


  4. I loved this post. Really loved it. Thanks for sharing it (and giving us a reminder). You can feel free to read that as “Thanks for sharing it and giving me a kick in the arse.” 🙂


  5. Thanks for re-posting this, Debby. You are right – we can all relate to that lack of time and need to breathe. Enjoy your break, Diana. You – of all people – have deserved it!!!


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