The Life of a Good Book


Life of a Good Book


Books sweep us away into our imaginations and transport us to an instant mini vacation, lifting our imaginations to places we never dreamed of ever going to, or sometimes, never knowing these places even existed.


We walk in the shoes of authors old and new, profound or entertaining. Stories lifting our spirits or breaking our hearts, stories to enlighten or to persuade, stories of darkness and others of hope. Whether we crave a good mystery, thriller, comedy or memoir, the story sets the tone for how it will leave the reader feeling. We as readers when engrossed in a good book, are made to feel anything from happy, sad, shocked, wondering or scared to death and everything in between when a story takes over all our emotions. We’re absorbed in the feelings of the characters – immersing ourselves as though we walk in their shoes.

When empathy or sympathy is felt by the reader, the author has succeeded in storyline and richly developed characters. When we’re brought to laughing in hysterics, crying our hearts out, or simply taking a pause to linger a moment over a lyrical phrase or perhaps dashing for the light switch from instilled fear by a well written horror story, the writer has done their job well. When the reader engages with the feelings of the characters in a book, the author has hit their target.

A good book never leaves us. Whether it be a powerful character, an engrossing plot line or a poignant message woven in the words, the author has accomplished their mission to engross, engage, enlighten, inform or entertain. This is the author’s greatest satisfaction when they know they’ve left an imprint in the reader’s imagination or heart and that they’ve left the reader satisfied by a good book.

44 thoughts on “The Life of a Good Book

    1. I think you are absolutely spot on, especially with the comment that the story should be a vacation. It good story takes you somewhere and you get to meet people you begin to like and care for 🙂


  1. You nailed it!

    Your beautifully written post describes my experience with books. From an early age, books were my escape into another world. They still provide a Great Escape, a vacation for my mind. I like these lines especially: ” This is the author’s greatest satisfaction when they know they’ve left an imprint in the reader’s imagination or heart and that they’ve been satisfied by a good book.” Yes!


  2. I could not have said it better, Debby. It is such a gratifying feeling when a reader expresses that a passage in your book or one of your characters had haunted them for weeks after they’d read the book. That’s what I aim for and I live for those moments. That being said, I have read so many books that have lingered in mind ’till this day. Very inspiring post, my friend. Thank you! ❤ xo


    1. Thanks so much Vashti. I know just what you mean about books that linger. Your books do that for me. Also, I recently read your Memoirs of a Mad Woman. So out of my genre but couldn’t stop reading. I’ll be putting up a review soon and featuring June 23 for my Sunday book review. ❤ xx


  3. Well, Sis… you nailed it. Perfect inspiration for me! I’m dying to get back into my writing. It’s coming along. Poetry first, book writing second. LOL! ❤


  4. I like your definition of what a good book is. And, of course, a good book will be different for different people. What can pull at our heartstrings and make us sympathise or empathise with a character is part of who we are, and a bit like our taste in food, it’s going to be different, but may we all find plenty of good books (for us) in our reading lives. Thanks, Debby.


  5. Here, here, Debby. For me, the same also goes for a fantastic TV show or movie. If I find myself wanting to look away from the TV screen, or feeling that I’m about to have tears streaming down my face, then not only has the actor(s) done their job but so has the writer(s).


    1. Right on Hugh. Good writing combined with good acting makes for a great TV show. Like the Handmaid’s Tale for me -so tough to watch, yet so gripping with subject matter, I can’t help but watch. 🙂 x


      1. That’s one I’ve not watched, Debby. But only because there is so much else on my ‘to be watched’ list. My favourite shows from this year (so far) are Line of Duty, Killing Eve, Les Misérables and Years And Years. All on the BBC. On Netflix, I’ve just started to watch Tales of the City (only 2 episodes in).


  6. Hi Debby, I enjoyed reading this and also reminded me of why, we as authors, need to tell our stories and write those books.

    Your blog really honors books for all the things you describe in this post. Well done.


  7. Thank you, Debby. I love the insight here: ‘ When the reader engages with the feelings of the characters in a book, the author has hit their target.’

    This is also true of poetry.


  8. Thank you. I’ve been following my nose in reading since I was in grade school. So many books I’d like to read but I’ll never get to all of them. I generally go for serious topics although I can’t handle much violence unless it’s history or historical fiction and teaches me about a time period or a social issue that was poorly covered or skipped in my education. My book group helps me diversify. Not long ago we read ‘The Sand Castle Girls’ which was about the Armenian genocide. It was an eyeopener to a historical event I only knew a little about–a hard book, but a powerful one.


    1. Thanks for adding to the conversation Elaine. It seems you and I enjoy reading the same genres. Thanks for the tip on The Sand Castle Girls. I’m addicted to history and goes hand in hand with my love for historical fiction. 🙂


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