The Order of Book #Reading . . . or Not?

Do you have a method to your reading madness? Is your Ereader ready to bust a gut from being over-stuffed? Do you have a ‘next reads’ list that you follow strictly, or do you find yourself changing pecking order of your to-be-read books shortly after you just downloaded yet, another brand new book?

Let’s discuss.

My intentions are always good when it comes to choosing my next read from the over-stuffed innards of my Kindle. But wait . . . an author friend just put out a new book. Ooh, I want to read it next! And then there’s the numerous book sites I receive emails from for free and discounted book promos. Oh ya, let’s not forget the books I request and read from Netgalley. Then there are the two first reads I receive free monthly from Amazon . . . a never ending cycle.

How are we supposed to get through a lifetime of reads when every new one that comes in looks shinier than the one we’re prepared to read next? No doubts we have to devise some sort of a law and order reading list. I know often, when I’m reading a fellow author’s blog and they’re featuring book promotions, I’m often reminded that oh yeah, I already have that book! One great review is enough to push it back up to the top. And there goes the merry-go-round of pushing up books while the others sit in silence awaiting our eyes to find them.

There has to be a better way? So how do I make some reading semblance of my daunting book list? Well I’m sure we all have our own system, but I’ll share how I manage my reading list. Believe me, it’s not fully perfected, but it’s how I work with my reading list:

My Kindle tells me I have over 1000 books on it. Lol. Both funny and sad because whatever is on there I want to read because I don’t frivolously add books – just because they’re free, or I’d surely have over 3000, no doubts!

After finishing a book, I typically make a list of the next 3-5 books I want to read and push them up in my Kindle. My reads also involve a few different genres I enjoy most – nonfiction, historical fiction, women’s lit and literary fiction. I admit to being stuck on those genres, but I’m trying hard to stretch my reading scope and have recently dabbled into a few paranormals and the odd, rare, sci-fi. But no, you won’t ever catch me reading horror, never going to happen. It’s almost ironic that the first author I met in the online world was successful author, James Thorne – a horror writer. He was like a mentor to me while I was learning the publishing ropes. What are the odds?

My book reads are in order of purchase. Ya, well as each new one comes in, the others are squashed down to make way for a new read. But I don’t read books in order as they appear. I usually know what I want to read next before finishing a book. I’ll choose one that suits my current mood. I may feel like reading a heavy historical tale, or I just may be in the mood for something lighter.

When I’m choosing my next reads, I try to keep to my picks, unless another author friend puts out a book that I’m drawn to or perhaps is the next in a series I enjoyed. I also enjoy short stories and some shorter reads in between heavier reads. Of course, sticking in unexpected reads changes the reading order once again. I also get excited when I see a great review for a book that gels with me, and just may have to read that one next. So you know, it’s not hard for our good intentions to get squashed down deep into our Kindles.

And those are just my Kindle books. I have approximately twenty new paperbacks awaiting my time as well. Typically, I’m reading one book on my Kindle and another paperback at same time. I like the diversity of having a second book to read in another genre when not in the mood for my current Kindle read.

Okay, so now that I’ve talked about my lack of law and order when it comes to choosing my next reads, you can see why it is most difficult for me to decide what to read next, lol. It’s almost impossible to keep to the script when planning my next read. But one thing is certain, when I say I’m going to read a certain book, I always get there eventually.

So tell me? Does anyone here have a better or more restrictful reading regimen? I don’t call it my BFK (Big Fat Kindle) for nothing! 😁


Smorgasbord Posts from Your Archives -2020- Pot Luck – #WritingHabits by D.G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

I found this in my archives, not even sure I reblogged it? But It’s always interesting to look back on plans, then a year later, look where things went – south? Looking at plans, did they come to fruition? And then of course, the dreaded burnout. And then eagle-eye Sally Cronin found it in my archives and shared it at her Smorgasbord Blogs from the Archives Series.


Smorgasbord Posts from Your Archives -2020- Pot Luck – #WritingHabits by D.G. Kaye



Welcome to the current series of Posts from Your Archives… and I will be picking two posts from the blogs of those participating from the first six months of 2020. If you don’t mind me rifling through your archives… just let me know in the comments or you can find out the full scope: Posts from Your Archives – Pot Luck – 2020

This is the first post by D.G. Kaye, Debby Gies and she shares her observations about her writing habits and how the have changed over the course of her previous six books. I am sure something we can all relate to. This was first posted in January 2020 and just before Debby took a book break.


Change in Writing Habits, Book Break the New Book


Today I’m talking about how I notice some of my writing habits have changed through the years. When I wrote my first 6 books, I was disciplined differently. I did my writing first thing in the morning right after breakfast – or the day would surely distract me. But as the order of life sometimes changes, so has my writing.

I could write a rough draft in 2-3 months of writing 5 days a week with anywhere from 100 to 2000 words in a session, depending on the inspiration – sometimes the well is empty. After writing time, I’d move to the computer. Writing all my drafts in longhand comes in handy when wanting to stay off the computer to avoid distraction. After checking out blog comments, posts and social media, and although writing for the day was done, I then spent time in between the daily grind of life, reading articles on learning the trade of self- publishing and homing in on the craft of writing.

It’s now well over a year since I put out a new book. Oh sure, I was working on one, but somehow my enthusiasm wasn’t there, and I stopped enjoying the writing. Then life happened – a lot, then came winter vacation escape, and finally, I realized that I just needed a year off from the disciplined mandate of writing a book.

In that time of not writing a book I was still writing. I write 2 monthly columns, blog articles, book reviews, run guest interviews and have been featured as a guest myself on many blogs, and have even ventured into writing poetry more seriously. There’s no shortage of writing in my life, I just wasn’t feeling inspired to write another book without a timeout from the burnout of publishing 6 books in 5 years. Each of those books took up a good 6-8 months of my life, and I realized how swiftly life is passing by, and decided I need to be living a bit more before committing to a new project. So, I learned to accept my welcomed book writing break and learned it was okay to not be writing a book for a while. The only pressure I had was self-imposed, so I finally admitted I don’t have to write a book every day for the rest of my life, and if I’ve lost the interest for a particular project, it’s okay to abandon it. Now that doesn’t mean that all the work I’d put in would go to the delete bin. All it meant that the started manuscript would live in rest in a folder until such time I may get inspired to go back to it.

In that time away from book writing, without the rules of my self-imposed discipline hanging over me, instructing myself to write first thing in the morning, I didn’t always only write in the morning anymore. And I noticed I was developing new writing habits – writing spontaneously as compared to writing by schedule.

In my old writing habits, if the morning had passed and I was into my daily activities, I was done writing till the next morning. If an idea sprouted to mind, I’d simply jot down a sentence with the idea in a notebook to keep for fodder for a future a topic to write about. But now, throughout this past year plus that I haven’t put out a new book, I have found that random ideas have taken up more of my immediate attention—going with the inspiration when it hits. Instead of just making a notation, which would have certainly had a different interpretation than the one I originally had in mind from the magic of the moment, instead of just jotting the thought down and left to meld into the many other fleeting ideas, I’ll immediately pick up a notebook and write what comes to mind about that topic, while it’s fresh in my mind, dropping whatever I’m doing in that moment to take advantage of the moment. Please head over to Sally’s to continue reading.


*Note, I think I originally wrote this post in early 2020. Intentions were good, but 2020 happened big time in my life, and still continues. The book was finished and self-edited then left aside again. As soon as I get some semblance of a publishing mojo, the book will be released. Stay tuned!


Source: Smorgasbord Posts from Your Archives -2020- Pot Luck – #WritingHabits by D.G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine



bitmo live laugh love



Do Your #Kindles and Readers Runneth Over?

How many times have we heard it, read it and said – My Kindle is ready to burst with books and my wish list is ever-growing. But yet, we’re compelled to purchase that next book. It’s ingrained in us avid readers and writers when enticed by a book’s lure, we must have it. It’s no different from any other desire or addiction – we just have to have it when we’re captivated by a book. And of course being a blogger and writer and constantly being introduced to new shiny books – it’s like Christmas, but always.


Books give us something to always look forward to, and they’re a great escape from reality, which is always a welcome break – especially now in our dystopian-like times. Whatever the occasion or mood, there’s something for everyone to read. Whether taking in lessons from a nonfiction story or escaping into a steamy beach read or going into an alternative dystopian universe, there are so many places books can take us.

But how on earth are we supposed to choose what we read next? I know I always have good intentions and try to create a strategy for my next read. I’ve always got 2 books on the go. One on my Kindle and one in paperback. Usually the one on my Kindle is a novel in one of my favorite genres – historical fiction, family sagas, memoir and chick-lit are my favs, depending on my mood, ( My mood of course dictates what I feel like reading and there-in lies how good intentions for next planned read to go awry). My paperbacks are the majority of my books pertaining to writing and resource guides. For me, I need tangible books where I can mark-up, dog-ear, and refer back to sections easier than digitally when it comes to books on writing and reference books.

So, as I said, I will have my next reads planned before I finish a current read but that could change on a whim. When another jewel crosses my path, I might be swept up in a moment of great anticipation that may not allow me to get through another book before I can sink my eyes into the newest one. I’m like those little kids on Christmas morning unwrapping gift after gift with new enthusiasm for the current one almost forgetting about the one I just opened 2 minutes before. I’ve shuffled my planned reads around so many times with good intentions for my next to read books I don’t know how many gems are awaiting their turn to be read anymore as each new book adds to the load, further burying my good intentions.

The book problem becomes like the toy maker who pulls out another new and shiny object – another shiny book with a tantalizing cover and enticing blurb to draw me in, and oooh, magically intrigued, I want to read this new one next. It’s like the thrill of the next chosen read gets overshadowed by a newer thrill of another discovery and before we know it, that book we were dying to read 3 books ago gets toppled over with more new books we want to read. This is the only way I can explain it.

If only we could spend a year with no responsibilities or cares and just read! I can’t conceive the thought that I could actually plow through all the books I currently have, and how many hundreds or thousands more to come. But like a brand new pretty pair of shoes that I probably don’t need, there’s always room for one more book!


Please feel free to share how you handle your own toppling book piles, and how you choose your next reads!




The Life of a Good Book


Life of a Good Book


Books sweep us away into our imaginations and transport us to an instant mini vacation, lifting our imaginations to places we never dreamed of ever going to, or sometimes, never knowing these places even existed.


We walk in the shoes of authors old and new, profound or entertaining. Stories lifting our spirits or breaking our hearts, stories to enlighten or to persuade, stories of darkness and others of hope. Whether we crave a good mystery, thriller, comedy or memoir, the story sets the tone for how it will leave the reader feeling. We as readers when engrossed in a good book, are made to feel anything from happy, sad, shocked, wondering or scared to death and everything in between when a story takes over all our emotions. We’re absorbed in the feelings of the characters – immersing ourselves as though we walk in their shoes.

When empathy or sympathy is felt by the reader, the author has succeeded in storyline and richly developed characters. When we’re brought to laughing in hysterics, crying our hearts out, or simply taking a pause to linger a moment over a lyrical phrase or perhaps dashing for the light switch from instilled fear by a well written horror story, the writer has done their job well. When the reader engages with the feelings of the characters in a book, the author has hit their target.

A good book never leaves us. Whether it be a powerful character, an engrossing plot line or a poignant message woven in the words, the author has accomplished their mission to engross, engage, enlighten, inform or entertain. This is the author’s greatest satisfaction when they know they’ve left an imprint in the reader’s imagination or heart and that they’ve left the reader satisfied by a good book.

FREE Blog and Book Promotions | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life

Festisite Reblog

The generous Sally Cronin is inviting writers and creatives to promote on her blog. For those of you who aren’t aware of the Smorgasbord Invitation, it is aptly named for the myriad of articles Sally shares on her blog, from health series, pet series, to being added to Sally’s virtual Cafe and Bookstore, and everything authors, there’s something for someone, so visit her blog, leave a comment, say hello, meet new bloggers and submit your work for Sally to share.


You will find her guidelines below:

sally's cafe and bookstore


FREE Blog and Book Promotions


I know from experience that a great many of you are so modest that you might take a little persuasion.. I promise that I don’t bite and I have a great many lovely friends who would love to read more about you.. Here are the ways that you can promote your blog or your creative work here on Smorgasbord.. It is FREE… it might take you a little time to get your submission together, but  then I will do the rest.  I do just want to mention at this point that it still takes your collaboration to make the most of the promotion.. For example – responding to comments and sharing on your own networks. If that sounds good to you then let me know. Continue Reading

Source: FREE Blog and Book Promotions | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life 

The Sunday Show – A Funny Thing Happened to Author D.G. Kaye

Thank you

The Sunday Show – A funny thing happened to author D.G. Kaye

I’d like to thank Sally Cronin  of the esteemed blog Smorgasbord – Variety is the Spice of Life for inviting me to and interviewing me for her series, The Sunday Show.

Once a week Sally interviews writers and artists for some in-depth interviews, and as part of the interview she leaves the interviewee with a question to elaborate on: A funny thing happened to “. . . ” for the artist to share a poignant, humorous, or in my case, a story about serendipity.

I have reposted the interview here from Sally’s page.

My guest today is Canadian memoir and nonfiction author and blogger D.G. Kaye (D.G.). It is clear that D.G delights both the women she writes for and I suspect the men who sneak a peek with her down to earth and often humorous look at life. There is also a serious side that comes across in D.G’s books and in her blog posts that strips back the layers that are formed in relationships. Those that are good for us and those that are harmful. I will take a closer look at her writing later in the introduction.” . . .