Christmas Grotto 2015 – Have Bags, Will Travel by D.G. Kaye | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life

thankyou new

Thank you once again Sally Cronin of SmorgasbordInvitation, for adding my latest book to your generous sharing of wonderful books for your Christmas Grotto.

Christmas Grotto 2015 – Have Bags, Will Travel by D.G. Kaye

Christmas GrottoDebby Gies, author D.G. Kaye, is my Canadian Sistah…one of several I have found around the world who seem to have been born under the same star. We are of similar ages, backgrounds, have enjoyed life’s rich tapestry of ups and downs and have ended up putting pen to paper. Debby is a regular visitor to the blog and I love having her over. Her latest book is doing extremely well and I am delighted to feature in the Christmas Grotto. In the short time since its release it has received excellent reviews and the two I am including today give the book the thumbs up from someone who spent many years in the travel industry and one from a man’s perspective… Enjoy

Continue Reading . . .


Source: Christmas Grotto 2015 – Have Bags, Will Travel by D.G. Kaye | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life

Are you using #Dropbox?


I’ve been reading about a lot of computer disasters lately from blogs I follow. Some have been hacked, some have lost all their files after downloading to the newest Windows 10 operating systems, and some have been having some wonky WordPress issues. I can tell you, I’ve been a victim of some of those hardships, so it’s important to have some good backup strategies in place for our files.


I’m sure almost all of us have a WordPress backup system in place where our blogs and pages are stored to a cyber system in case something crappy happens to our blogs, like hacking or crashing. And then many of us have an external backup for everything on our computers as well. But today I want to ask if any of you are using Dropbox?


I learned about Dropbox a few years ago, and quite fortunately, just in the knick of time. An author friend of mine had suggested it to me as a great cloud option for backing up by sending any files, photos, manuscripts, etc. we wanted to keep safe and handy to Dropbox. One week after installing it, while just finishing my first book, my computer crashed.


We may all have our own preferred methods of saving files, but Dropbox is great because our files are safe and the portability is fantastic. You can log into your Dropbox files from anywhere, from any device. I like to keep all my photos there so I have access to them from any computer I’m on when I want to write a blog or share a picture on social media. It also offers you the ability to share files through the cloud with other Dropbox users.


Dropbox is a free service which starts you off at 1 gig of free storage space, but allows you to add things to your Dropbox account, and with each addon they offer, they give you more storage space. There is also another way to earn free storage space, they will give you an extra 500 megs, if you give Dropbox the email address of a friend, and they sign up to get their own account. Plus when you sign up through a referral you also will be given an extra 500 megs. I believe there is a 16 gig cap on available free storage gained by referrals. But hey, that’s a ton, even for a writer. I’ve been storing pictures, files, numerous rounds of manuscript revision docs and more for just over two years and have only used around three gigs!


I’ve been using it for over two years now and have never had to ‘buy’ more storage space. With that being said, we could all use more storage space for future files. So what I’m asking of you today is, if any of you aren’t already using this service and would like to sign up for it, would you please sign up through my link HERE and you and I both could earn more free storage space? Once you’ve signed up, just follow the easy prompts and Dropbox will offer you other easy ways to start earning more storage space, then when you need more and don’t feel you want to pay for it, invite another friend to the link.


You can go to and find out more about this service. But please remember, if you like what you see, don’t just sign up there, sign up through my link HERE, otherwise, nobody gets the 500 megs bonus storage space.


Once you get started with this great service, it will become like a new appendage. I also like to keep current Word docs in there, especially for when I’m traveling, so I can pull them up from anywhere and continue working on when I want. No flash drive required!


Please let me know if you’re using Dropbox, how you use it, and if you haven’t secured a Cloud account yet, please consider doing so with my link

Thanks! Remember, sharing is caring!


Here’s the link again to check it out! 



10 Statements – D. G. Kaye | My train of thoughts on…

Reblog and featuring

I was kindly invited over to Karen’s blog mytrainofthoughtson to be part of her author postings of 10 Statements. Karen is a generous blogger who has a diversified blog full of her thoughts and writing, book reviews, and guest author posts.


Below you will find a reblog of Karen’s post with my 10 Statements, just click on ‘Continue’ below to read more.




10 Statements by D.G. Kaye


I’m a nonfiction memoir writer who likes to write about life, matters of the heart and women’s issues. My intent is to inspire others by sharing my stories about events I encountered, and the lessons that come along with them.

I love to laugh, and self-medicate with a daily dose of humor. When I’m not writing intimate memoirs, you’ll find me writing with humor in some of my other works and blog posts. If I’m not writing, I’m reading or quite possibly looking after some mundane thing in life. It’s also possible I may be on a secret getaway trip, as that is my passion—traveling


My personal mottoes:

“Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.”

“Do unto others as you would do unto yourself.”


10 statements

  1. A typical work day begins with… coffee and breakfast. If it’s a writing day, I begin right after breakfast, or it’s not going to happen that day once I get on the computer and work on other things such as: writing blogs, posting on social media, reading newsletters, marketing and publications.

  2. I lose track of time… once I get on the computer. Once I start navigating around and clicking links, one thing leads to another, then my husband suddenly appears home from work, hoping I’ll be off the computer in time to make him dinner.

  3. I have always… been a firm believer in the phrase: ‘Don’t put off for tomorrow what you can get done today.’ I always set my goals up for each day of things I need to accomplish the next day, in order to avoid a backlog of my ‘to do’ list. I’m usually pretty good at being able to tick off everything I wanted to accomplish each day, providing something unforeseen doesn’t creep up to cause delays. Hence, don’t put off for tomorrow. Continue Reading:


Source: 10 Statements – D. G. Kaye | My train of thoughts on… 


D.G. Kaye ©2015

3 Simple Words — Building #Selfworth — #Broken #Children

Kindness, Words We Carry

Growing up in a childhood where the words, I love you are seldom heard affects our self-esteem and instills an aversion in children to be able to say these unfamiliar words to others. This pattern usually sets the tone for a feeling of discomfort as they grow older when it comes to having the ability to say those words to someone else.


When children are unfamiliar with hearing these words, it becomes unnatural for them to speak them out loud to others. Many may begin to feel that announcing their feelings isn’t acceptable, because if it was, why weren’t they more familiar with this endearment?



Just as a bandage is made to cover up a wound in order for it to heal, so are thoughts blocked off by children who aren’t comfortable sharing their feelings. Happy or sad, they take refuge in their own little worlds, harboring their hurts internally; only that type of bandage doesn’t heal a wound.


Children left to their own demises after encountering hurtful situations in life , who haven’t been extended that comfort zone by a parent, can be vulnerable to the options they choose for consoling themselves. Many grow up feeling needy, which can lead them into more hurtful situations as they age  by falling into the wrong types of relationships when they’re longing to be loved.

Without loving support, people tend to gravitate to people who prey on their neediness. These children may wind up being subservient as adults with their aim to please, or in abusive relationships as they may feel the punishers are justified, because of their low sense of self-worth which had never been nurtured.


shattered words

When a child has experienced their first broken heart, and finds his/herself uncomfortable talking to his or her parents because of the unfamiliarity of these emotions in their growing up environment, they aren’t apt to share their sadness with their parents because they aren’t familiar with loving support, or perhaps they’re afraid of their situation being dismissed as trivial puppy love.


When these children withdraw into themselves, and lock themselves in their rooms sobbing in their pillows, feeling as though their heart has been broken into a million pieces and there’s nobody to listen to them or comfort them, these are the beginnings of a child’s crushed soul, and so begins the cycle of questioning their self-worth.

The sense of loss and being given no compassion are the makings for how one begins to form ideas about what it would take to be loved. Repercussions can be anything from being afraid to get involved in a future relationship, to becoming someone who they aren’t, in efforts to portray themselves as someone else to gain attention of future suitors. These people can easily grow up to become broken souls.



Broken souls go through life feeling inadequate, and unworthy because nobody told them they were not. They have only to judge from what they’ve experienced, what they know. From there, the road can lead to anywhere there becomes acceptance and attention. They can’t save themselves until they learn from encouraging people. If they’re lucky enough to encounter encouraging people, helping hands in their journeys through life, who can encourage  them and make them feel worthy of being loved, they can gain the opportunity to re-examine their broken selves, and their broken souls may gain a chance to flourish.



For the lucky few, they find the hand that reaches out to help mend their broken selves. For many others, they may spend the rest of their lives searching for their self-worth.

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Children need encouragement, attention, love and support from their parents in order to grow up to be comfortable in their skin and to gain the capacity to form healthy relationships as they grow. Children need all this to feel that they are worthwhile human beings, and to become good parents themselves by keeping the goodness flowing through future generations.


We are all products of our environments. Our first teachers are our parents. If our parents weren’t taught how to become good parents, shown affection, or told they’re loved, it’s unlikely they will be passing on any of these important elements when raising a child.


Back when I was growing up, I was one of those emotionally neglected children. but I was one of those lucky few who got through it by myself, painful as it was. I moved away at a young age, and found the hands that reached out to me, which helped me build my self-esteem.


I remember my best friend I met just after leaving home, always encouraging me, hugging me, and telling me she loved me. I have to admit, it felt so strange at first hearing those words. I felt shy and embarrassed at first because it felt weird telling someone I loved them. But Zan was the hand that reached out and pulled me out of my negative image of myself, and I have her to be grateful for so much in life as I began to learn what the word love encompassed from that point on.



In this era that we live in now, there is so much help available for everyone. Nobody should have to go through life feeling unloved or unloveable. There are tons of books available for self-help now, about issues that weren’t even recognized when I was a child. There are support groups for every cause, and there are also many people eager to share and support us with conditions which plague us. And most importantly, there are all these same resources equally available to parents, so they too can learn how to become loving and supportive parents.


It no longer has to matter if our parent’s didn’t know how to demonstrate love and affection. We don’t have to follow old norms and patterns. We may not be able to change the past, but there’s so much we can do to climb out of our sheltered souls. The world is full of opportunity and venues for us all to be able to learn how to become our best selves, how to feel worthy of ourselves, and how to help us strive to be whatever it is we wish to become better at.




D.G. Kaye ©2015

Sunday Lunch Invitation with #Authors D.G.Kaye and Nicholas Rossis. | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life

Reblog and featuring

Reblog: Sunday Lunch with Sally Cronin of


Come join Sally’s blog post today in her Sunday Lunch Series with guest authors. Today I was delighted to be in the company of Nicholas Rossis and his lovely wife Electra.


‘Welcome to Sunday Lunch invitation and today I am delighted to welcome four wonderful guests to join us in the sunshine on our balcony.

We have two main courses and a fabulous dessert so there is no shortage of food today. Since the sun is shining we will have Cava and some tapas in the garden before sitting down at the table where we will have a choice of a full-bodied red wine we have recently discovered or a chilled Chardonnay. So please join us and pick up a glass of wine and relax while I introduce my guests.’



Source: Sunday Lunch Invitation with Authors D.G.Kaye and Nicholas Rossis. | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life 


D.G. Kaye ©2015

#Free Ebook MenoWhat? A Memoir — #Menopause #Humor

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Just a heads up! My book MenoWhat? A Memoir will be free on Amazon today, Thursday November 5th until Monday November 9th.


This book is a humorous recanting of my memoirs on my not-so-sacred passage of what can truly be an exasperating time in a woman’s life. I say women because we’re the ones who have to go through it. But don’t feel discounted men, you may be interested in learning some of the whys about what your other half may be experiencing, and perhaps get some advice so you can better prepare yourselves for this ‘uncertain’ time.


For those women who have been there, done that, and may want to reminisce and chuckle after it’s done with, this book will undoubtedly remind you. And for those who have yet to enter the realm of the ‘Dragon’ phase, it’s never to early to get an education.

Here’s the link:  MenoWhat? A Memoir


D.G. Kaye ©2015

What We Focus On is What We Attract — #Laws of Attraction



I’m a firm believer in the laws of attraction. The phrase, ‘We Get What We Focus On’ holds a lot of merit. If we dwell on negative things and things we wish we were, or wish we had, this type of thinking isn’t in good vibration with positivity. We are cautioned to focus on good things, and instead of wishing for things, to condition our minds to focus on things as though we already have them. These are the teachings of the Laws of Attraction. The objective is to be in a good state of source energy with the universe.


Have any of you ever noticed that if you woke up one day and everything started going wrong, the whole day progressed in the same manner? You may have found yourself saying, “What a crappy day,” or, “What else can go wrong?” and without realizing it, you’ve invited more crap and more things to go wrong. This is all part of the vibration we are giving off when faced with challenging moments we let overtake our positive thinking. This is all related to source energy.



In the words of the great, late Wayne Dyer:


“When you’re matched up to that energy of peace and love, you then regain the power of your Source – that being the power to manifest your desires, to summon well-being, to attract abundance where scarcity previously resided, and to access Divine guidance in the form of the right people and the precisely correct circumstances.” —Wayne Dyer


“The key to bringing something into your experience that you desire is to achieve vibrational harmony with what you desire. And the easiest way for you to achieve vibrational harmony with it is to imagine having it, pretend that it is already in your experience, flow your thoughts toward the enjoyment of the experience, and as you practice those thoughts and begin to consistently offer that vibration, you will then be in the place of allowing that into your experience.

Now, by paying attention to the way you feel, you can easily know if you are giving your attention to your desire or if you are giving it to the absence of your desire. When your thoughts are a vibrational match to your desire, you feel good – your emotional range would be from contentment to expectation to eagerness to joy. But if you are giving your attention to the lack, or absence, of your desire – your emotions would range from feelings of pessimism to worry to discouragement to anger to insecurity to depression.

And so, as you become consciously aware of your emotions, you will always know how you are doing with the allowing part of your Creative Process, and you will never again misunderstand why things are turning out the way they are. Your emotions provide a wonderful guidance system for you, and if you will pay attention to them, you will be able to guide yourself to anything that you desire. You Get What You Think About,” — Abraham Hicks


If you find yourself interested in learning more about how to manifest your desires, check out some of the books by Esther and Jerry Hicks. – The Law of Attraction and Ask and It Is Given are two of my favourites.


D.G. Kaye ©2015

Have Bags, Will Travel: Trips and Tales – Memoirs of an Over-Packer | BOOK CHAT

book reviews

I was pleasantly surprised when Michelle James of BookChat, kindly approached me, offering to review my latest book, Have Bags, Will Travel. There is nothing as gratifying for an author than to find that her book was enjoyed and well received. I was even more elated that Michelle had given her time to review and recommend my book.




My Review – Michelle James


Have you ever read a book that could have been written about you? D.G. Kaye did just that.

Case#1 – She’s a shopaholic.  Well, I love to shop, though maybe not as much as she does. Christmas shopping, back to school shopping, birthdays, anniversaries – I could shop for days on end.  I love buying gifts for others, furniture for our home, the list is endless.  The author loves to buy so much more, in fact shoes are her favorite shopping item. The problem is she shops when she travels and has to have a way to get it home without customs finding out she packed more than she is allowed to bring back. As you will see, she goes to great lengths to pack creatively.

Case #2 – the suitcase.  My husband thinks my suitcases are overloaded, but I never have to pay for overweight luggage or an extra suitcase.  I have a few packing tricks up my sleeve to get everything to and from with some room to spare for purchases. Ms Kaye, on the other hand, has tricks galore.

Her friends personalities are much like the author’s, and their escapades will leave you chuckling.  Well, not exactly.  They will have you in stitches. Follow D.G. Kaye as she travels to Paris, London, Las Vegas, Greece, Venezuela, and Arizona. You will be fascinated with her description of the transition from old Vegas to the Vegas we know today.

I’m not about to go into detail about her shopping trips, the size of her suitcase, or how she manages, or not, to get through customs. You have to read the book to find out. However, I promise, you will be laughing from page one to the end. Written with such vivid detail, you will feel you are right there watching the spectacle of someone who loves to shop too much, trying to get everything home without chucking it on the way to airport.  A delightful story, HAVE BAGS, WILL TRAVEL, is a short book that can be read in one sitting.

Do I recommend HAVE BAGS, WILL TRAVEL? Absolutely!

Visit Michelle’s blog at the link below for full details.

Source: Have Bags, Will Travel: Trips and Tales – Memoirs of an Over-Packer | BOOK CHAT 

D.G. Kaye ©2015