Writer’s Tips – May Edition – #WordPress Hacks, #Microsoft Word, Info Dumps, #Troll Inquisition

Welcome to my May edition Writer’s Tips. This month I’ve found some helpful posts for WordPress Settings by Hugh Roberts, how to convert a Word document for ebook by Jane Friedman, Deborah Jay talks about Info Dumps in writing, and Anne R. Allen warns us about the Troll Inquisition on writers.


Note: please excuse the large spacing between some of these articles. It seems WordPress block editor has a mind of its own and won’t allow me to fix without erasing parts of my post.

Writer’s Tips – April Edition – WordPress Hacks, Font #Copyright Laws, #Editing, #Writer #Scams, #Blogging Tips

Welcome to my April edition of Writer’s Tips. In this edition, Hugh Roberts is back with two new helpful WordPress tutorials on using the new Comment Box on WordPress and how to reuse older blog posts, the Kindlepreneur with an informative article on the copyright laws of regular fonts we use daily, Anneli Purchase shares a comprehensive list for editing final drafts, the latest Fake Law Scams attacking writers by Anne R. Allen.


Writer’s Tips – March Edition – #Editing, #Writing Dialogue, A.I., WordPress, #Writing Gigs, Writer’s Block Hacks

Welcome back to my Writer’s Tips – March edition with some interesting gatherings of articles I come across in my keeping up with the writing industry. In this edition, D.L. Finn, writing at the Story Empire with a great article on all that’s entailed in editing, Anne R. Allen with two great posts on writing too much dialogue and how to remedy it and how to survive and thrive as a writer during the A.I. age, Hugh Roberts helps us find the ‘new comment’ box in WordPress, Jacqui Murray updates us on Writing Gigs and what’s new in the writing world, and Ruth Harris at the blog of Anne R. Allen with 7 Hacks to get past Writer’s Block.


December Writer’s Tips – #Scams to avoid, Artificial Intelligence, #WordPress Support, #Editing

Wrapping up the year with my December picks for Writing Tips – Diana Peach at the Story Empire on Tightening our Prose, Just Publishing Advice shares new Author Scams and Book Publishers to avoid, Dan Holloway at ALLI talks about U.K. writers calling for A.I. protections, WordPress Support from Hugh Roberts, Diana Stout on Self-Editing, and Ruth Harris with some worthy Pro Writer Tips.

Diana Peach is at the Story Empire sharing tips on how to avoid Redundancies in Writing

Just Publishing Advice sharing the latest Author Scams and Book Publishers to Avoid

Self Publishing News at ALLI from Dan Holloway talking about U.K. Publishers and Writing Groups calling for protection tools against A.I.,Self-Editing, and Writing Advice from the Pros

Hugh Roberts is back with another helpful tutorial on various methods to contact WordPress Support

Why learning how to Self-Edit is important by Diana Stout at the Writers in the Storm blog

Ruth Harris at the Blog of Anne R. Allen with Writing Tips from the Pros


Writer’s Tips – October Edition – #Blurb Writing, #Blogging Tips, #WordPress, Kindlepreneur, Unfinished Books

Welcome to my hand-picked best shared tips of the month of October. There’s always something for writers and bloggers! In this edition, Staci Troilo is at the Story Empire, sharing another fantastic formula with us authors for – writing the blurb. D.L. Finn writing for the Story Empire, shares some tips on ‘writing scary’. Hugh Roberts with two new, helpful blogging tips, showing us how to protect our blogs, and new WordPress changes. I’m sharing another article from the Kindlepreneur about how to work with keywords on Amazon for our books, since their changes. And finally, Deborah Jay shares a great post on why we may not finish reading a book – DNF.


Writer’s Tips September Edition – Filter Words, #Blogging Tips, Spam, #Scams, #Loglines, #Amazon

Welcome to my September edition of best curated tips for authors and bloggers. In this edition, Diana Peach on Tightening Prose, Hugh Roberts with useful hidden WordPress Tools and How to Clean Out WordPress Spam, Anne R. Allen shares the Latest Author/Writer Scams, and what Amazon is doing to author’s book pages, and Staci Troilo shares her formula for writing Loglines.


Writer’s Tips, June Edition – Reader Scout, Writer Scams, Punctuation, Blurb Generator, and Book Categories tools from the #Kindlepreneur

Welcome to my best picks in helpful articles for writers and bloggers for June. In this collaboration we have three helpful tools from the Kindlepreneur – Reader Scout, Book Categories, and Blurb Generator, as well as Writer Scams to beware of, How to add a Reuseable Block in WordPress, and Converting videos to MP4.


The Kindlepreneur offers a new Free tool to track book reviews – Reader Scout



The Kindlepreneur simplifies the best way to choose our book’s categories


The Kindlepreneur offers his Book Description Tool for helping to write the Blurb


Anne R. Allen offers up good tips on current Writer Scams to beware of


Hugh Roberts with another great blogging tip – Creating resuseable blocks in the WordPress editor


From Janice Wald at Mostly Blogging, learn how to convert Youtube clips into MP4s



Do you get confused if two adjectives require a comma or not? Quick lesson reminder from Anneli Purchase


I hope you will enjoy some of these helpful articles and find them useful for your own blogs and books.


Writer’s Tips November Edition – WordPress Hacks, Writing Timelines, Creating Audio Books, Editing Tips, and Social Media

Welcome to November edition of my collaborated Writer’s Tips. Each month I share some of the blog posts I come across with helpful writing or blogging tips. This month, I found quite a few goodies most worthy to share to help bloggers. Hugh Roberts shares three helpful posts again for those of us using the block editor – how to center images and how to look for blocks you’ve previously used, and how to find common Gallery blocks in the WordPress editor. From the Story Empire, Joan Hall gives us tips for writing differing timelines in our books, and Beem Weeks explain the procedure for turning books into audio books. Editor, Anneli Purchase shares misused expressions that writers can get caught in. Natalie Ducey has a new tutorial on how to add a Subscribe Button to your WordPress blogs. Last, but not least, Sue Coletta gives an in-depth explanation for the value of authors using Tik Tok platform.


Hugh Roberts on How to Center Captions and Images in the block editor


Hugh Roberts shares how to access our most used blocks for easy setup


How to find secret Gallery Blocks on WordPress


From the Story Empire, Joan hall has a great article on writing Timelines


From the Story Empire, Beem Weeks on Audio Books


Anneli Purchase, Ten Misused Expressions for writers


Natalie Ducey has a tutorial on How to Add A Subscribe button on WordPress


Sue Coletta as Anne R. Allen’s guest writer on Tik Tok and why it’s beneficial for authors
