Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Spiritual Awareness – Old Souls by D.G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

Last week I was over at Sally Cronin’s Smorgasbord Blog Magazine with my last post for 2022 in my Spiritual Awareness series. I’ll be back in January with more, then taking a winter break, and the series will continue in April. In this issue, I’m talking Old Souls. Are you one?

Explore the spiritual side of our natures as D.G. Kaye shares her experiences and research into this element of our lives.

You can find the previous post in the series: Are you familiar with Astral Projection?


spiritual awareness


Old Souls by D.G. Kaye

Welcome back to my Spiritual Awareness series at Sally’s Smorgasbord. Today I’m going to talk about ‘Old Souls’. We hear that term from time to time, usually referred to people who hold the depths of ‘all knowing’ and wisdom at a young age – appearing older and wiser beyond their actual years. This isn’t to be misconstrued with ‘chronological age’ as old soul refers more to, the experience we’ve gathered through our accrued years of knowledge through all our past lives.



Those with a higher level of soul are those who have reached the level of many journeys throughout their lifetimes. It is said that memories don’t come with us in each new life, but the knowledge of life experiences grow with us through each journey. It is also said that just by looking in someone’s eyes you can see their wisdom. This doesn’t mean that person is necessarily highly intelligent, but rather has a high level of ‘spiritual’ intelligence from experiences.


So how do you know if you or someone you know is an old soul?

We all know that when it’s time to leave this earth, we take nothing physical with us. But what about knowledge and lessons learned? We are all spiritual beings, and through our soul’s repeated lifetime experiences, we accrue knowledge and experience that we do take with us into our next lives. Our soul’s experience and development across lifetimes and what we’ve learned from them is what determines our soul age. So, I would suspect that depending on how many other lives we’ve lived, determines how old our souls are, but there are exceptions, depending on the levels we’ve accomplished in each life.

Old souls have certainly garnered lots of life experience and lessons, which adds to the soul age. They have a deep understanding of the world both human and spiritual. But being an old soul is not solely determined by how many lifetimes we’ve lived, but, through those lifetimes, how much our souls have progressed through those life experiences.


Determining a Soul’s Age

It is said there are five earthly soul ages – baby, child, young, mature, and old soul. Each of these five stages have seven levels. All spirits move through these levels with each new incarnation. One can have lived in many incarnations and a person can have lived more reincarnations than levels. After a person reaches all levels as an old soul, a new cycle begins on the astral plane where the spirit continues to learn without having yet another reincarnation.

Having learned lots of life experience through a soul’s journey, old souls garner the ability to see beyond words with their inner wisdom where their values and perspectives are influenced by acquired knowledge. Old souls become the teachers who guide the younger and less experienced souls with divine love and teaching. People who have an inner sense of knowing can sense the power of an old soul. . . continue reading at Sally’s blog to discover if you are an old soul.

Original Source: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Spiritual Awareness – Old Souls by D.G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine


21 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Spiritual Awareness – Old Souls by D.G. Kaye | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  1. A fascinating post, Debby, and another one that got us all thinking. I think I am no my way to becoming and old soul, but not quite there yet. Some more rounds to do, it seems. Thanks, Debby, and enjoy the festive season. ♥


  2. I enjoyed reading this piece before, Debby. I’ve often heard the term “old soul,” but yours is the clearest explanation of anyone I’ve seen.


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