I’m Back with my New #Blog

It’s been quite an event! I’m sure many of you know, I’ve moved my blog. Some of you probably don’t know and may be wondering why my blog has been wonky for the last week or so.

I have been wanting to move away from my self-hosted blog for a long time, but dreaded the process – and I wasn’t wrong. Besides the fact that I’d get lots of messages throughout the last few years that readers were having a difficult time commenting on my blog, I’ve had so many issues myself with my old host. I paid substantial money for almost 8 of the 9 years I’ve been blogging, and when technical bad things were happening with it, the support I had was less than mediocre and I had to rely on the kindness of of some writing friends to get me out of a blog jam.

I decided at the longtime urging of my good friend and Fey sister, Colleen Chesebro, now was the time. With the advent of the new BIG WordPress update coming (something that always gave me blog woes), and the thought of me having to deal with scary blog stuff while I escape for a some winter sanity, Colleen convinced me to get it over with now. And it was far from easy.

I decided it would be easier down the road to move back to paid WordPress and let them deal with the headaches. And moving my blog from Godaddy was a nightmare! Colleen helped me a lot. First step was creating a blank WordPress.com new platform to move my content over to, except there were many hurdles. The trick I’ve learned, is to get a good WP happiness engineer – and that only took 2 or 3 until the right one showed up.

The plan was simple, export my content from old site and import into new blog – not so easy. My content wouldn’t load. Colleen was dealing with a WP tech with questions about the import problem and she said she’d get back to her. Well 5 days passed, no blog activity, stuck between two worlds on two platforms and after several days I knew nobody was answering back. And by that time, my old blog content was gone! That’s when the real chaos began.

After 2 days of calling Godaddy (now dubbed NOdaddy from me), first waiting 2 hours til a human picked up and more hours trying to explain I need my blog content and several useless support there, my blood pressure was rising. In the meantime, I was being coached by a WP tech as to how to bring over files MANUALLY. Yes, non backdoor techy me, trying to absorb technical jargon. By the second day of repeat performance, I finally got a WP angel who had spent almost 2 days coaching me of alternative methods to get this and that – to no avail. I finally got through to the WP tech that I was useless in this venture, especially with the SERIOUS LACK OF HELP FROM NODADDY. Let’s just say he went far beyond the call of duty and did things to make the magic happen that were not his job. He and I had a running chat going by email for 4 days! He got the ball rolling last Friday, and yesterday he finally finished getting almost 9 gigs of content over to my new blog, and Colleen went in to make it pretty. I didn’t lose anything, (except what was left of my sanity), my years of posts are back WITH the matching images.

I’m still learning Gutenberg editor tips, but surprisingly, I didn’t find it that complicated. And thanks to my friend Hugh Roberts, who posts excellent tutorials on the new editor, I had already got the basic hang of it.

So, I want to welcome you all over here to my new blog, where it should be easy sailing for readers now to interact. I also hope you will all hit the ‘follow’ button when you visit here. I have to say, it’s a bit discouraging seeing my followers go from over a thousand to 11 LOL – not a good look on a writer whose been blogging for 9 years. And I thank you all for putting up with the madness and coming back!


Techno Madness Woes – #WordPress Editor, #Facebook and Some Tips!

This is kind of a rant, but some good information for those of you who may be engaging with technical snafus yourself.

Mercury retrograde


I don’t know about you guys, but this Mercury Retrograde has been nothing but agro. Seems the tech gods are all over each other outdoing each other, overriding each other’s technology. And who pays for the madness, bloggers do for sure. I know about the tech snafus that have been plaguing me, and have heard the condemnations from others.


bitmo Tech update


I’ll begin with the ‘new’ Facebook layout – about hijacking my page as I knew it. And judging by the many bad reviews I’ve read along the way in my searches to ‘bring back the old Facebook’, I read lots of disgruntled complaints with others looking for their own fixes and sharing what works. About a month ago FB started their rollout of the ‘new’ and NOT improved FB. It’s stark white background. . . No, let me rephrase that – it’s blinding! Everything is moved around no headers show, and there is ‘apparently,’ an option where you can put the background in ‘dark mode’. But of course, when one day my FB screen suddenly went glaring white on me, I seeked help from a few writing friends who informed me they had the option to change the screen color. Nope, I didn’t, and after an hour of searching, I read that not everyone might get the screen option til later. Well, how about you leave my damn screen alone until you’re out of beta and forcing it on us? Just a thought. My eyes were sore after five minutes looking at the screen.

So naturally, I had to search for ‘there must be a way.’ I found a Chrome extension called Revert. I added it and presto! Old FB was back . . .until a few days ago. Then it was instant fade to white and the extension stopped working. After more searching around I found the alert Chrome had posted already saying that the extension won’t work anymore because FB has overriden the extension. But they left a hopeful message saying they were determined to come up with a fix. Waiting.

In the meantime, my gal pal Sally Cronin informed me about a little trick she’d been using to avoid the ‘white plague’. She discovered if you have a ‘group’ page on FB and you’re an admin on the page, and if you go to the page, there’s an offering to ‘go back to old layout’ for 48 hours. I’m on my 3rd – 48 hour refresher now, and Sally has been on it for weeks. We’re both hoping it keeps working until there’s a new fix.

Oh, and one more thing about FB – a notification popped up as my screen was morphing from old FB to shades of white, saying that by November 5th, FB will be taking away our titles on our ‘Pages’ – translation for authors – our author pages. So, our “Professional Skills”, will be removed from our Page. So what? Secret identities now? Lol.


If anyone wants to read the lowdown on all the tweaks Facebook has done, Lifehacker.com has an in-depth description with diagrams and all. 


Wordpress Woes


I’m self hosted, so I had – ‘had’ being the operative word, control over NOT changing over to WordPress Gutenberg Block editor. I added the ‘classic editor’ plugin when I heard ‘stirrings’ of losing the classic editor, so I WAS fine. But it’s like one guy’s technology must be superior to another’s again, like FB overriding Google Chrome’s ‘Revert’ extension, rendering it now useless. By keeping the classic editor, I had to find a fix for a temporary plugin to keep the other plugins playing nice until the code writer of my SEO program came up with new code to keep up with the WordPress big upgrade about a month ago. Crazy, and so much wasted writing time when you’re spending it Google searching instead.

And so yes, I’m stubbornly fighting off that new block editor, of which I have zero interest in learning. I just wish it wouldn’t keep interfering now with the way it will now no longer allow me to add line spaces. Yes. Our blogging freedoms seem challenged when we try not to conform.

I don’t have time to learn a new computer language. I’m already trying to learn proper Spanish (as opposed to the broken Spanglish I use in Mexico) using Duolingo, which I highly recommend btw, and that will be another post to come. But I digress, now, for my latesty discovery:

After the big WP update a few weeks ago, once again things weren’t working the same – mainly, my choice of line and paragraph spacing had evaporated. Lots of blogging friends have been complaining of weird shenanigans with their blogs lately. But the worst of it is putting together my Q & A interviews that won’t allow me to leave space  – and alas, I found the cure for adding my own spaces – two dots and white font!

After surfing around for fixes for hours one night, I discovered an easy fix for spaces. There were various methods offered that required code, and I’m not even going there. And finally I learned why I could no longer space my articles out the way I choose, it’s because of some glitches where the ‘new’ WP block editor is treating my writing page as though there are invisible assigned blocks. Kind of like it’s trying to bust in on my classic editor.

Say what? Enough of this crap! I took the easy fix – the one for laymen learning – hit enter at the end of a line then type in 2 periods – like this:  .. Then highlight the 2 dots and change the font to white (not purple like I’ve shown for demo purposes). Then hit enter and voila! A line space created. Want another line? Do the exact same thing. And it is for all these incidents and more that I highly recommend everyone PREVIEW your blogs before you post them. Amazing the funky things that show up NOT, like line spaces I have to fix – and of course, add lines.  Example again:  2 dots .., highlight them in white .. now they won’t show but they’ve taken up a line. Hit enter and repeat til your heart’s content.

Just Sayin'


And a word about word . . .

Word pisses me off. Every year they update the version and make it worse than it was the year before when it was already worse from the year before that. Microsoft, PLEASE stop changing the ribbon!

Okay, I’m done now. Thanks for listening to me rant as this mercury mania takes over my life. And I hope my findings may help someone else.


*I’ve added a note here to the original post. I wanted to mention to fellow bloggers that WordPress has also been hiding SOME blogs I follow regularly. First I thought, maybe a few have taken a week off, but no, they haven’t. I just popped over to the WP Reader and clicked on some of the blogs I follow but aren’t getting notified about. It seems WP has taken the liberty to ‘unfollow’ some of my favorite blogs! I’ve just re-followed. Check the reader for blogs you aren’t receiving notifications for and reset them!


Got a Facebook or WordPress woe you’d like to share?



bitmo live laugh love


Writer’s Tips – The Classic Editing Experience vs. #Gutenberg, #Podcasting on WordPress, Grammar Goofs

Welcome to a new edition of Writer’s Tips. In this compilation I’ve collected along my reading travels, I found an informative post about using the new WP editor, and another interesting find from the WordPress website – WP now enabling podcasting, and some excellent tips for bloggers.


Starting Your Own Podcast on WordPress.com



I came across this WordPress post from one of the ‘Happiness Engineers’, who explain lots of questions bloggers have about the new Gutenberg editor. I highly recommend bloggers on the new editor to check it out, and those (like me) who stubbornly remain with the old editor, to bookmark this for the day we are forced to using it. Be sure to read comments there too, as they are just as educational.

Source: The Classic Editing Experience is Moving, Not Leaving – The WordPress.com Blog


Grammar Goofs to Avoid by Kathy Steinemann Part 1



Part 2 Grammar Goofs by Kathy Steinemann



Donna from Retirement Reflections, offers some interesting and new tips to help bloggers



I hope you enjoy this edition of writer’s tips.



bitmo live laugh love


Writer’s Tips – Scams, Video Marketing, Book Selling, Photo Library

Welcome to this month’s edition of Writing Tips. Learn about why Amazon isn’t the only game in town from 111 Publishing. Hugh Roberts is back with more great blogging tips. Two great posts from Nicholas Rossis on email video marketing and how to get our digital signatures for documents. And I took the liberty of sharing an important scam alert in these times of Coronavirus where many dirtbags take advantage of ripping off people by email.


Doris Heilmann of 111 Publishing with information on diversifying when it comes to selling books.

Are You Still Selling Books Only Via Amazon?



Nicholas Rossis shares the value in Video Email Marketing. Is it the next best thing?



Hugh Roberts, blogging guru, offers up 21 Great Ways to spruce up our blogs!



Hugh Roberts with blogging tips on how to access a secret photo library right in your WordPress dashboard.




Another great find from Nicholas Rossis is Wondershare Sign X. Ever have a document that requires a digital signature and wish you didn’t have to print, sign and scan back? Nicholas shares a helpful app.



And last of all. I came across this informative article from Norton Antivirus, informing and alerting about the new Corona cyber scams going on with emails. Get informed so you don’t get caught!





Thank You #Windows10 – Not!

My two cents

Thank you technical gods for the most trying week in my whole cyber life. Besides the numerous delays in my book launch with files flying back and forth all week, and WordPress blocking me all week from commenting on blogs, and then there was the day I was totally unable to get into my website, I’d really like to thank Windows 10 NOT! for sucking the last ounces of nerves and energy from me this weekend.

Thank you Windows 10 for trying to force-feed your incompatible updates on my poor, defenseless Windows 8.1 operating system ever since I fought you tooth and nail and didn’t allow you to install Windows 10 on that computer. You knew they weren’t compatible with my system but kept sending them anyway. I really appreciate the fact that you corrupted my computer and numerous files shoving your Windows 10 updates onto my Windows 8.1 computer, because you can’t be bothered sending updates for appropriate systems, bullying everyone to change over to your terrible new system. Needless to say, I’ve had no security updates for quite some time due to your negligence, resulting in corrupted and infected files infiltrating silently into my cyber home and workplace. Even my MalwareBytes and heavy-duty antivirus army couldn’t fight you off.


I also wanted to thank you for falling upon me Friday night and through the weekend, a time where I should have been working. I really enjoyed spending 48 hours searching Google, trying to find ‘Windows’ fixes for broken files, that wouldn’t work. I especially enjoyed the most useless pretend help from your master, Microsoft, who apparently, thinks they can push their way into places they’re not invited.


It was very lovely of you to try and push Windows 10 updates into an 8 operating system, so you can ruin computers, so people will have to go buy new ones – with Windows 10 no doubt. Surely that would alleviate any obligation you have to send appropriate updates to servers without Windows 10. By force-feeding Windows 10 down everybody’s throat, you wouldn’t have to come up with updates for every different system, like you used to do before you became the biggest skyjacking greed-monger in the cyber world. And that goes for you also taking over Windows Live Mail and making the most inconvenient email system I’ve ever had to use.


I particularly enjoyed spending Sunday from 9:30 am till 5:30 pm with a tech service I found who crawled inside my computer remotely after I exhausted all of your offered lame fixes from the internet. I also enjoyed paying $250 for this service, at this inopportune time when I’m paying editors, formatters and book designers. Oh, and thanks for making me miss out on going to Word On The Street, a Canadian bookfair I was looking forward to going to for months. Perhaps I was lucky my book files weren’t ready to publish yet so you could tear my last nerve having to spend the weekend with you. You made my week complete!


WordPress spam issues have nothing on you. You take the cake! But thanks for sharing all these life lessons I learned through all my findings. You made me realize how important it is that the next computer I ever buy will be a Mac.


Thank you!



#7 recycling tips for #bloggers – make the most of your writing | Daily Echo

Blogging basics

Sue Vincent wrote an interesting post on the lifespan of our blog posts. In her article she gives tips on how to recycle older blog posts to give them new visibility.


Have a read about what Sue shares below:

Reblog and featuring


“It is the nature of blogging that there is a fast turn over and short shelf life for posts. I believe the average period of maximum visibility for a post is about four hours… it can take that long to write a good one! The sheer volume of posts and sites soon bury even your best work. On top of that, thanks to the vagaries of WordPress, the number of ways in which your work can be acknowledged without even being read… as well as read without being acknowledged, either by the reader or as a reflection in the stats… means that it is pretty much impossible for the average blogger to know what has been read at all. . .”  Continue Reading 


Source: 7 recycling tips for bloggers – make the most of your writing | Daily Echo

#7 really useful ‘How To’ articles – Getting the word out on #WordPress | Daily Echo

share me

Sue Vincent has written an excellent post on the value of sharing blogs we read with our own followers.  This article is full of helpful hints with WordPress and the share buttons, as well as information on tracking stats and so much more. You will also find some helpful links she shares from other authors on some issues you may be experiencing. So have a look below:



“A few weeks ago I had a bit of a blip in the stats. Both visitors and views went up to several times the usual numbers. I was curious, especially as there hadn’t been anything of exceptional note published that day. The normal haiku, a couple of reblogs, and a couple of posts that were relatively lightweight. Nothing that might have been able to explain the hike in the figures. . .” Continue Reading 

Source: 7 really useful ‘How To’ articles – Getting the word out on WordPress | Daily Echo

I Challenge You to Build Your #Email List – Nose Graze

  Building An Email List

Today I’m going to share a great website with you called Nosegraze.com. Ashley runs a fabulous blog there which is like a help site for all bloggers. She’s a web developer who, besides selling services such as coding, web design, themes, plugins, and so much more, blogs about wordpress and issues we can run into, as well as tricks of the trade to show us how to get the most out of our blogs.


In today’s post that I’m sharing, Ashley is talking about the importance of setting up a mailing list on our blogs.


3 Full-proof ways to grow your email list:


“I don’t care how hot Bloglovin’ or Feedly are, or even Twitter/Facebook/Periscope or whatever new social media is all the rage. The #1 subscription avenue you should be promoting is email. Above all others: email. Email is the best and most reliable way to get people to read your content. People check their email all […]”  CONTINUE READING 

Source: I Challenge You to Build Your Email List – Nose Graze 
